Hearing His Voice

Just finished listening to a message from March 2008 by Bill Johnson out of Bethel.  Very good stuff.  Some key points I wanted to jot down to remember…

The enemy always tempts us in one of two areas:

  1. What God has said
  2. Who we are

The examples he gave were Adam and Eve and then Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness.  So, I was thinking of my current situation and find this completely applicable.  The firing has challenged my view of who I am.  And there is so much of what God has said that still hangs waiting to be fulfilled – this wants to call those things into question, but our faith stands strong.

Another good point he made was based out of Romans 10:17So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”  It doesn’t say faith cometh by the word of God.  It says by hearing and hearing by the word.

So basically God gives us principles (His word) that were are to know and live by.  But by His voice He gives us direction.

An example is Paul.  The principle is “go into all the world and preach the gospel” but when Paul starts to head to Asia God says “no”.  Then God – through His voice – tells Paul (in a dream) where to go.  Very cool stuff – lays it out well.

Good link from Bill on getting more revelation

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