
Pondering thoughts on humility some more. As I mentioned last night, it just occurred to me that losing my job might have been part of a continued answer to my prayer to learn true humility.

We talk so much about God prospering. Sometimes it feels like if something doesn’t look like prospering, we doubt it is even from God. Yet when Joseph was put in prision – did it look like prospering? Were there those who would judge him (as I’m sure some judge me) and say he deserved it? But in the end there is no doubt it was God.

Tonight I watched Jeremiah. Granted they’ve taken some creative license, but it still gives one pause for thought. Nothing about his life looked like prospering. Yet it was God.

As I watched I kept thinking of Sheila’s question from week ago, “What will we do with Your revelation?” I don’t know if I could’ve done what Jeremiah did. Who would I fear more… God or man?

One of Merriam-Webster’s definitions of humility is “freedom from pride or arrogance” – humility mandates a lack of a fear of man. I believe that requires a fear of the Lord.

Lord, thank You for growing humility in my heart and in my life. Thank You for answering that prayer. Thank You for Your grace. You are good.

Sent from my iPod

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