Inside of Me

As I lay in bed tonight thinking about the love I have for my husband, I began to truly understand the parallel between the two becoming one and our relationship with God.

Men and women view intercourse as such sweet intimacy – and rightfully so!  It doesn’t get more intimate than inviting someone inside your body… that is something so deeply personal (regardless of how the world tries to downplay it, pervert it, and abuse it – it is truly an intimate act).

In reality, the joining of flesh is merely a shadow – a type of sorts – of our relationship with God.  He isn’t inside me for simply a fraction of all the hours in my days – He is in me all the time.  So my intimacy with Him should be all the more intensified!


Lord, help me to grow in my intimacy with You.  To enjoy it just as intensely and even more so than the beautiful parallel You’ve given me here on earth.  I want to know Your love for me… know it beyond my ability to know it.

I love You my Beloved Pursuer… thank You for tirelessly seeking my affections.  If my lover were so fickle with their attentions I’m sure I’d go mad!  (And in fact on occasion have!)  You are so good.  I cannot even comprehend Your goodness. Overtake me.

One Reply to “Inside of Me”

  1. Don’t you love that part of Song of Solomon where she describes her lover as a young “stag”? God is so like that! Totally pursuing us…with haste!

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