Jonah – Not Missing God’s Plan

So there’s been decisions lately.  So I’ve found myself spending more time wondering what God has next… not that I’m in a rush for next, but I also don’t want to miss whatever it is.

I don’t want to think “too small” – e.g. me simply going back to work in the field I was in.  Yet I don’t want to rule out anything simply because it’s “too logical”.  At the end of the day, I want to be exactly in His will… I do NOT want to miss Him.

As I ponder that thought, I must admit that I have a general sense that He is not going to let that happen.  In the same way that I couldn’t “miss” this season because I was let go… I think the next season will make itself abundantly apparent when it is time.  What God gave me the day after confirms this in my mind – it was out of Psalm 37.  God promises not to let my feet slip.

So on my face tonight trying to set aside the thoughts spinning in my head and find His quiet place… I asked Him where to read and He said Jonah.  Here’s some things I found…

  • Jonah doesn’t even WANT to follow God’s instructions and God continues to reposition him to be obedient – how much more can God direct those who are submitted to His will?
  • (1:7) God used lots to draw attention to Jonah – God can use whatever means He wants to bring about His will.  In this instance He used something considered a game of “chance” but God rigged it.
  • (1:16) God can even use our disobedience to teach the unsaved!
  • (1:17) God will make a quiet place for us to hear Him if need be.  This feels a little like the season I’m in now!
  • (2:1-9) Jonah prayed and praised in the midst of it – prayer and praise are vital
  • (2:10) God answered when Jonah prayed and praised in the midst of it – thank You, God!
  • (3:1-2) God will repeat Himself if we don’t get it right the first time
  • (3:5-9) Fasting is an appropriate response to correction
  • (3:10) God honors fasts
  • (4) God chooses what is best – it is not ours to second guess Him but rather to trust in humility and obey

2 Replies to “Jonah – Not Missing God’s Plan”

  1. I know you prefer it when I comment quickly, but honestly, I needed to sit on this one for a couple of days. My initial response was that you are absolutely right on – he will not let you miss what is coming. But I didn’t want to jump to that, because honestly, that is what I want for you! I don’t want you to miss anything and I want you to hit it so exactly because I want you to be so very happy. But I took some time, read it nearly seven times, and can honestly tell you that my spirit is fully agreeing with this. Not just because I want the best for you. But because I KNOW he will not let you miss what he has next. He hasn’t let you miss a beat thus far, and I doubt that your next step will be the first.

    As for right now, I feel almost compelled to tell you to “calm down” (not because you are upset, but just as a maintenance statement – stay calm) because you will KNOW when the time is right and what the move needs to be. And I don’t think the time is now, or even in the immediate future. So sit with him, rest with him, and don’t let yourself get distracted by what may be next.

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