The Face of God

I was thinking tonight about the face of God.  I sing about it, but do I really know it?  I had to say I don’t think I do. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying I don’t know God at all – not at all! But I don’t know Him the way I do my husband in the sense that I love Allen’s face, his body, his physical presence.  The twinkle in his eye or one of those beautiful smiles can still make me tear-up with love or go weak at the knees.

With God, I see His hand all over my life.  A Lover who adores to surprise me with beautiful things that He knows will delight me… and He knows my heart so well – His presents are always perfect! Everything from changed hearts to puppy dogs – He gives good gifts!

And I know His voice.  I hear His whispers – and when I respond beautiful things come forth – because He is beauty!  It’s not that He is beautiful – He IS beauty itself!

I feel His leading. Directing me here and there, and even though I don’t know where He’s taking me – I trust Him completely so I am lead with peace.

I even feel His touch in moments where the Holy Spirit overwhelms me and my body physically feels the touch of the Lord whether it be a specifically timed “chills” sensation or swirling or splashy or whatever… it’s like somehow I know it’s Him.

But in all these things – not His face…

  • His hand is like surprise gifts left when I’m not looking
  • His voice is like someone whispering into my ear from behind
  • His leading is like a hand on my back directing me
  • His touch is like sensations from an invisible God – lovely (don’t hear me wrong), but I don’t know His face

So what am I missing?  Is it that all these things combined give me a sense of the Lord’s face?  I don’t fully understand, which is why I am asking. God, can I see Your face? I don’t mean “may I” – I mean literally can I?  Am I allowed?  We sing about it which makes me think other have seen it… can I?  May I at least have revelation on this topic… You are my bridegroom – You’re to be my beloved for all eternity – I desire the intimacy sooner… I’d like more now… May I? 🙂

2 Replies to “The Face of God”

  1. I think he can show you, but part of me has began believing that it is all of the parts that add up to equal his face. Even in the Bible, people didn’t really see his face. But things are different now, so I think he can give us visions of who he is. I want the same thing…

  2. I have to pray about that one. Sometimes I feel like I see Him when I’m quiet, sad, happy and just plain nuts. Other times I feel like I really see Him…but still not His face. Or that feeling of His hands about to be laid on my shoulders and then I’m comforted, but I don’t see His face…Gee, Meghan! I NEED to pray about that one.
    You’ve got me thinkin’ tonight, girl!

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