Struggling with Needing to “Do”

I admit it. I feel better, more accomplished, when I’m DOING something. Couple that with the fact that I often get praise and encouragement on the things I “do” and it only makes me all the more inclined to stay busy “doing”.

The problem with that is that waiting on the Lord and prayer often feels like “doing nothing”. As a result, it often gets deprioritized and that’s not good! Even now as I’m in my God-time I’m “doing” something by blogging about my difficulties being addicted to “doing” – LOL!

For me, I think my biggest struggle in this area is that on some level I believe that my value as a person has more to do with what I do than who I am. And the reality is we need a balance – sometimes we do have to “do” something, but the key is knowing when to “do” and when to just be still.

I confess I haven’t learned this yet which is frustrating to me because during the nearly 2 years of not being employed it’s been one of the key things God’s been working on with me. I’ve improved, but that’s a bit like saying my grade has gone from an F to a C-, I still have a long way to go.

Lord, I know in our culture obsessed with busy-ness, I am not alone in this struggle. I ask for wisdom and revelation on how to better “be still” and wait on You. Help us to give You the priority You deserve, and correct us when we don’t. We need our time with You, we need to hear Your voice more clearly and mostly just desire a deeper fellowship with You. You are our focus… let our eyes stay fixed on You.

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