Believing Earthly Things (John 3:12)

This weekend at church (Destiny Church), Phil preached a message on the prayer of faith. He talked about the importance of believing what God has said and standing in faith for it — rejecting and repenting for any doubt and unbelief.

Today as I was reading in John 3, verse 12 jumped out at me:

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you [of] heavenly things?

So many of us are seeking supernatural revelation or experiences with the Lord, but yet we don’t even truly believe the earthly things He’s told us. As this verse clearly shows, until we can wrap our brains around the earthly things He’s said, He can’t share the heavenly things because we simply couldn’t get it.

So instead of pursuing (and being frustrated by the lack of their appearance) heavenly things, pursue believing the earthly things He’s shared and trust that in His timing, when you are ready, He will share the heavenly things with you… He’s not holding out on you, He just won’t give you more than you can handle. 🙂

Thank You Lord for telling us so plainly why we are lacking in the area of heavenly things. Help us to believe You on all matters. Give us Your perspective on earthly things. Help us remember that truly everything in heaven and earth is Yours and that nothing is impossible for You! We commit to trusting You, You are worthy of it.

4 Replies to “Believing Earthly Things (John 3:12)”

  1. Pingback: Meghan W » Blog Archive » Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23

  2. Pingback: Dyed4you Blog » Blog Archive » Revisiting What God’s Said

  3. as there was a link to this one in your post about the blog above I clicked on it and wow. did I need that!! I am in a have to trust God right now, I can do nothing else, just stand, so, I am buckling on the sheild of faith, and I have on my helmet of salvation, I am girded with truth and I weild the sword of the Spirit. Having done all else, all I can possibly do, I stand, in beleif. Thank you for the timely word for me written way back when, prepared ahead of time!

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