Fear Not, Stand Firm (Exodus 14:13-14)

God had me in Exodus today, in doing so I also checked out a blog from last year called Waiting for the Red Sea to Part (if you haven’t read it, it’s worth taking a peek at).

Today Exodus 14:13-14 jumped out at me:

And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

As I mentioned in the previous blog, only in being silent or staying calm is where our faith is tested. Today as I pondered this I filtered these verses through a couple other things mentioned:

  • v21: it takes all night for God to dry the path for them to cross over
  • v27: in the morning He closes the sea

When you have an army bearing down on you, this salvation might not seem fast enough! You’d probably want to get zapped from one side to the other. But God doesn’t do it like that… He takes more time and tells them to be silent / stay calm.

Again this is a trust thing. Too often when we find ourselves in these seemingly impossible situations, we get frustrated that God doesn’t move faster… but if we really check our hearts isn’t that because we don’t fully trust Him to come through? So we want Him to come through leaving a larger margin for error…?

But God doesn’t make errors! And He loves us enough to want to stretch us to trust more. Why? Not because He wants to torture us! Because life is easier for US the more we trust Him. We stress less. We worry less. We can rest in Him because we know He’s faithful… not just when things are going well, but when the seem not to be, we can still wholeheartedly trust Him.

Thank You Lord for stretching us – even when it hurts – it is for our own good. Thank You for knowing how much we can take and not stretching us until we break. You are faithful and good… make us more like You!

4 Replies to “Fear Not, Stand Firm (Exodus 14:13-14)”

  1. Good word! It was one of those days when you’d had enough and there was a couple more straws added! I felt panic and hysteria rising from mid-morning and it got worse from there! But I got a card in the mail reminding me to come up and breath! Now this word and my heart rate is calming. I know all will be well.

  2. This is some good stuff Meghan! It seems that in every season He manages to take me yet DEEPER into a state of learning to trust and walk even closer to His side. It’s both incredibly challenging and breath-takingly beautiful!

  3. Pingback: Stand with Me – Dyed4you Art

  4. Pingback: Stand Ready – Daily Downloads from Heaven

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