Cherubim (Exodus 26:31)

I had a light-bulb moment today as I read this verse:

And you shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen. It shall be made with cherubim skillfully worked into it. (Exodus 26:31)

Suddenly it occurs to me that God’s implying we should know what cherubim look like! Most people today picture little fat babies with wings – which are actually replicas of cupid, the false god of love. That is not what real cherubim look like!

Some people have seen angels/cherubim, but many have not. And yet, it seems implied here that we should know. This should be encouragement to press in more – He has much more for us than we’ve begun to tap into.

Lord, I pray we’d be hungry for the deeper things of You. We don’t seek after angels or encounters, but we seek after You and You bring those things. Help us to lose any taste for the counterfeit things that satisfy our desires for the deeper things of You.  Let us hunger and thirst for You alone!

One Reply to “Cherubim (Exodus 26:31)”

  1. I am encouraged by your post, Meghan. I am not often inspired to paint (although I am praying God will give me inspiration more often…when I try to paint when not inspired I am NOT happy with the results!) Anyway…I moved into a new house recently and was a little afraid of living alone. At night I would hear the still small voice speak of angels ascending and descending on my house. I looked up the verses where it speaks of this and kept getting a strong feeling to PAINT IT! I have never seen angels but I know they exist and are protecting us and ministering to us everyday. Reading it again just now it ministers to me!!! Genesis 28:12-15 …”I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go”!!! What a promise from our Father! Thanks again Meghan!

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