Free to Choose Closeness

God’s been using my puppy again to show me His heart.

Since I’m working from home full-time now, I’m here a lot. This means Sketch and I are in the same vicinity a lot. I love having my puppy close by. It makes it easy to have little lovin’ breaks, which are a nice pause to the day’s activities. We read each others non-verbals well; volumes can be communicated by a single stare. The closeness is a gift.

There are moments though when – for no apparent reason – he decides to go be off on his own, sometimes even when I’ve encouraged him to stay. I confess that silly as it may seem, it hurts me a bit when he does that.

See I realize that he has the freedom to choose, I just want him to choose me. Not because I pet him. Not because I’m taking him out. Not because I’m giving him a biscuit. Just because he wants to be close to me for no reason other than that he LIKES being close to me.

And God feels the same way. He wants us to choose to be close to Him not because He’s answering our prayers, giving us some amazing encounter, downloading mind-blowing wisdom, or anything else (though those things are His joy to do). He wants us to pick being close to Him simply because we LIKE Him. That’s all.

I pray that you choose closeness to Him because He’s worth it 🙂 After all, He’s chosen closeness to us… He loved us first (1 John 4:19). 🙂

4 Replies to “Free to Choose Closeness”

  1. Thank you for sharing, I loved it. He was speaking to me this morning as I was driving to work. Reminding me it isn’t about the people in the church as to why I go there, it is because of HIM, I go to his house to praise HIM and love HIM for all he has done, it isn’t about the people in the church. I love it when he tells me things and shows me new things. He wants us to love him and he pours his love out on us 🙂

  2. Hello Megan,

    So enjoying my first time stroll through your Web site; I so sense the presence of the Holy Spirit pouring out His creativity here. I just keep looking at more and more links (or tabs) to prolong my stay. LOVE the scarves and the page that speaks of the meaning of all of the colors. THANKS.

    I, too, find that those times when I acknowledge His Presence in the little things seem to bring Him the greatest pleasure. I feel great warmth and approval when I stop in the busy things of the day and just sigh: “YOU are here with me. What do You think of …. Thank You for caring about this. ” Sometimes it seems that we just sit and smile at one another ~

    I love this walk ~


  3. Pingback: Believe in Me – Daily Downloads from Heaven

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