Friend of God (John 15:14)

God’s had me reading John 15:1-17 pretty much everyday for a couple months now. It’s interesting to see how He’ll highlight different words and passages each day. Today He highlighted verse 14:

You are my friends if you do what I command you.

The word “command” is the Greek word “entello“, which means to enjoin – or direct. So in other words, we’re God’s friends if we do as He directs.

I began thinking of the song “I am a friend of God” – I used to wonder as I would hear that song sung en masse… I questioned how true it was – though I certainly believe we all can be friends of God, that doesn’t necessarily mean we are.

I know from questions (and in some cases challenges) about my own walk that many choose to try to conform God to their own will and logic rather than allowing Him to be God and conforming to Him.

I say all this to give you a question to ponder, are you a friend of God? Are you truly willing to obey God’s direction even if it stretches your comfort zone or your idea of what “makes sense?”

I pray that we ALL would be friends of Yours, Lord! That we would surrender our will to Yours and live by Your direction rather than by our own sense of what is right. Lead us Lord and be glorified in our lives!

One Reply to “Friend of God (John 15:14)”

  1. I didn’t know you had a blog… I’ll have to take some time and read them and catch up.
    As to being a friend of God, I read this just recently and was challenged to obey God concerning something that he commanded me to do from birth. I had forsaken my first love and I needed to go back to it…
    I look at the 2 friends I have, who are loyal, kind, invasive, sarcastic,loving and RAW…lol I LOVE THEM FOR IT ALL. God does me the same way… when I obey him he’s loyal to hear me when I pray, he’s kind when others don’t show his love, he’s invasive and shows me all of me and what I need to change, he’s sarcastic too, lol that’s how he communicates with me sometimes, he loving in correcting me, and RAW when it comes to showing his love to me. How can I disobey a God like that. lol
    Love it

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