He Restoreth My Soul (Psalm 23:3a)

Father has had me pondering the first portion of Psalm 23:3 for several days now. Today He confirmed it was what He wanted me to pause and blog on by leading me to one of my favorite author’s blog where she had written about our soul/inner most parts as well.  This left me wondering what does it mean that He restores my soul, how does He do so, and do we even need it?

Starting with the last question first, I don’t know about you, but I need His restoration!  Things constantly are drawing from our resources, our strength, our inner flow – and being in full-time ministry there are times I feel like I pour out so much I just want to go hide under a blanket in a corner and be allowed to recharge.

I often think of the jar of oil in 2 Kings 4 that continued pouring and pouring.  Like that miraculous jar, we need to be yielded vessels that allow the Father to pour in as we pour out… we must allow Him to restore our souls 🙂

To be sure we’re understanding correctly, let’s look at the Hebrew word used for soul in Psalm 23:3, which is nephesh (H5315). Here’s the bulk of it’s definition:

1) soul, self, life, creature, person, appetite, mind, living being, desire, emotion, passion

a) that which breathes, the breathing substance or being, soul, the inner being of man
b) living being
c) living being (with life in the blood)
d) the man himself, self, person or individual
e) seat of the appetites
f) seat of emotions and passions
g) activity of mind
h) activity of the will
i) activity of the character

Based on this definition, I can clearly see that if I am feeling depleted, my soul is in need of restoration – but how is that accomplished?

Here is one verse that gives us a clue – Psalm 19:7

The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;

From this verse we see that the Torah (law of YHVH – H8451) revives us.  This word revive is shuwb (H7725) and one of its meanings is restore.  In essence, as we walk out the Father’s instruction, we are restored… the Torah restores us.  This makes sense when we consider the full context of Psalm 23:3

He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

His instructions are His paths of righteousness.  In other words, when we walk in unrighteousness, we are torn down and depleted – and for anyone who has walked in habitual sin like I have, you KNOW that is true!

I believe another way our soul is restored is indicated in Psalm 42:2

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

We are restored in His presence, which makes sense since Yeshua (Jesus) is the Word of God (John 1:14) – so if the Torah (i.e. the Word of God) restores what we’re saying is being in His presence and walking in His ways are what restores and brings life.

So when I am feeling empty or depleted, I can first check myself to be sure I am not in sin, but assuming that isn’t why I’m depleted I have simply to pause and seek Him. As I draw myself closer to Him, His presence restores me.

Father thank You for Your restorative power. Thank You for Your Son who is the Word which revives and leads us. Thank You for the healing power of Your presence.  May our lives reflect the majesty of who You are through these yielded vessels.

6 Replies to “He Restoreth My Soul (Psalm 23:3a)”

  1. It is extraordinary how God does a collective work through one to speak His refreshing truth to many who are languishing.

  2. Beautiful!!! Thank you for the insight, Meghan! This is much to chew on. I have felt depleted myself many times. This comes at the perfect time for me. I will be meditating on these very scriptures and seeking His hand here in this area.

  3. Great insights, Meghan. I especially enjoyed the symbolism of the jar of oil. And thank you for saying I am one of your favorite authors! Wow.


  4. Ah, beautiful words of truth. I read the Psalms a lot, and it is so true that over the years His word has restored me and is continuing to restore me. And oh so many times, His word has been that oil or balm to my body, heart and mind. Thank you for sharing with us Meghan.

  5. This is awesome. How do you learn the Hebrew words? This offers greater insight and clarification. I mean, we have been grafted in so we really should know “who” we have been grafted in with rather than create our own culture apart from our “mother” culture. Seems reasonable to me.

    It makes me think of how “Deep calls unto Deep.”

    “The deer that thrist for water..”

    Meghan, you are a blessing. You teach, you instruct, guide, create, bless. No wonder you need restoration. 23rd Psalm. You and Allen have been added to my prayer list!

  6. @Suttie – Thank you for your prayers! For the Hebrew, I like to use BlueLetterBible.com – I also have a bible which has a NT translated from Hebrew and Aramaic – interesting some of the differences with the Greek!

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