How-To Anoint Your Home

One of the warfare tactics I have used over the years is praying over and anointing my home.  I share a bit about my early experiences on the Dyed4you site, but basically I simply used some olive oil.  Now I prefer using oils from The Scent of Heaven because these oils are already set apart for use for the Lord – they are quite literally anointed 🙂

Anointing Oils & Consecration

If you want to find out more about anointing oils and their use, this page on The Scent of Heaven’s website is most helpful because it clearly lays out various uses and gives scriptural support for them.  For the purpose of this discussion there are two uses that touch on why one would want to anoint their home: consecration and protection/covering (Psalm 23).

We just talked about consecration (Qadash), which is the action of making something holy – setting it apart.  The Scent of Heaven shares the biblical context for using anointing oil in the consecration process:

Another familiar use of anointing oil is consecration (i.e. dedication). In this case and object or person might be set apart for God – consecrated. For example, the anointing of the tabernacle in the Old Testament (Exodus 30:26) or the anointing of priests and kings (Exodus 29:29 and 1 Samuel 16:13).

Our desire should be to consecrate our homes – set them apart for the Lord and His purposes.  This means being intentional about creating a space His Spirit will want to dwell.  This is why we do the physical house cleaning we talked about in a previous post to remove objects that are offensive to God.


One thing we need to understand is authority, because the enemy is a legalist.  Think of it this way, if I walk into a company’s boardroom and start spouting off instructions do you think they will be followed?  Not unless I’m in charge!  In the same way, we do not have the right legally to command something to go unless we have the legal right to do so.

In my home according to scripture, my husband is the authority.  So now – since we are both walking with the Lord – either we pray over the house together or I do it with his blessing. This is a principle that applies when we are praying things in Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name as well.  If we are walking in His authority it WILL be done (John 15:7).

If you are not able to pray over your home with the blessing of the head of home, it is still worth doing – just be aware that doors may be reopened very quickly again.  For example, when my husband was still backslidden, I would regularly anoint the house, but then his actions would do something to reopen doors and spirits would have access again. It was quite literally an ongoing battle.  But much like the way you vacuum and dust regularly even though you know things will get dirty again – it still is worth doing!

How-To Anoint Your Home

With all that said, I share in the video some specifics on how I anoint my home, but I also just wanted to share that for me I tend to walk through the whole house. I allow Holy Spirit to direct me on where to hover and what to pray (spiritual warfare basics may be helpful to review).

Ultimately, my goal is to shift the atmosphere of my home to one where the Spirit wants to be and wants to manifest His presence.  When people visit our home we regularly get comments about how the peace in our home is almost tangible it is so thick.  We are very blessed that we’ve united our front and been able to create a space for the Lord to move. It is such a blessing!

Hopefully the video below will address any other questions you might have, but if not – feel free to let me know – or if you have personal experiences with anointing your home you’d like to share, please leave a comment below!

8 Replies to “How-To Anoint Your Home”

  1. Wonderful and very informative post, Meghan!!! Thank you for your obedience in speaking about what Father’s placed on your heart! I’m finishing this and getting up to anoint my home now. AND… in the event that other readers have not tried Scent of Heaven’s oils, they are wonderful! Go see and try one for yourself if you can. You will not be disappointed!

    (Meghan, you looked so radiant and beautiful in this video!).

  2. Great video. I too have done anointing in our home, just as you demonstrated. A few times I have felt impressed to anoint things or locations outside my home, like the 4 corners of the property line, a certain part of the yard, our vehicles, etc. Bless you Meghan and Allen for sharing this message with us. 🙂

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  5. Pingback: Lunchtime Live: Choosing Where You Align (Anointing Oil and Salt) – Dyed4you Ministries

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