Unity in the Body (1 Cor 3:9)

Today my church got to sow into Haitians Helping Haitians, a ministry led by a dear friend from my previous church. This was our second time supporting HHH, and she was so blessed. Her response back gave me pause to ponder. Part of what she said was, “Your church understands what it means to be the church.”

The fact is that too often in the body of Christ, we focus on our differences rather than our areas of commonality. Father reminded me of this today when He took me to 1 Corinthians 3 and Paul is talking about how the church is bickering over who they are “of” just like today we might bicker over the same thing – “I’m Baptist” or “I’m Pentecostal” or “I’m Hebrew Roots” – always looking at the division rather than unity.

But in 1 Corinthians 3:9 (ESV) we are exhorted:

For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.

We have a common goal – salvation – to show His love and bring others to Him. Would we like to also agree on baptisms, the gift of the Holy Spirit, observance of the Sabbath, etc. – of course! But we still have a common goal and can focus on that to walk in unity as we demonstrate His love in our love for one another as He commanded (John 13:35).

I chuckled to myself as I turned on my daily bible reading (I love the YouVersion app on my phone, it’s great for listening to the word), I chuckled to myself because it was Psalm 133, which begins with:

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!

Amen! So it is. I encourage each of us today to see how we can love one another regardless of differences. How we can rally around our common goal and bring glory to our Maker!

Father, help us to see with Your eyes and love with Your heart. Help us to align our goals to Your will. May we truly be known by our love that we might demonstrate to a lost and dying world Your heart.

5 Replies to “Unity in the Body (1 Cor 3:9)”

  1. Great!! That’s why I am not religious. I have no theology mess anymore. I have IEUE and Jesus Messiah. Him and His word is all we need. Religion has gotten me into trouble, caused division, caused bad thoughts I’m still strugglng with, caused gossip, fights, me to give up on prayer time, and worse, me to feel like I am not saved at all, that there is no hope for me and that all of my endeavors were vanity and of the Enemy’s side. Talk about bad. I learned to keep my mouth shut and be a peace maker at all costs even if it means agreeing with something I know isn’t right. I mention nothing of religion or even the Bible. I just say “you know that’s not ethical” usually when referring to genetic engineering. I don’t want to make anyone angry by even bringing up anything biblical because I have no grounds to do so being that I am still struggling with bad thoughts and feel like I can no longer share anything. I will just be told oh you do this, or you do that. The truth is, I probably do. That’s why I don’t say anything anymore. Maybe I will eventually find some people who share my views on scripture and the way the world and its gov’ts are behaving so we can talk all day. Until then, I am silent on issues. I know what happens if I try to say anything to the wrong people.

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