Yielding to Pruning

I’ve spent much time recently pondering the concept of pruning. As I’ve blogged about before, we know this can be a painful process, but sometimes I think we get so caught up in the pain we forget the purpose: growth and strength.

My understanding is the purpose of pruning is to remove what would draw life and effort to refocus it to the area where growth is desired. If we resist God’s pruning process in our lives, we actually are weakening our ability to walk in the fullness of what we’re called to.

Yielding to the pruning process is really a matter of trusting the Father’s ability to know what areas of our lives are no longer where we need to give life to. It can be difficult for us because we may even see fruit in the areas He wants to cut back, but we have to trust that as the Husbandman He knows the fruit we’re to bring forth.

Father may we yield to Your pruning. May we not grab onto the areas You desire to cut away. May we trust Your hand and Your heart for us. Have Your way and be glorified in our lives!

2 Replies to “Yielding to Pruning”

  1. Wow. Looking back on this now, from 2 years ago, after your most recent blog posts…like bookends on the last 2 years. Kind of makes my head spin that you knew “something” was coming, but you had no idea what pruning was really all about. But to know that you have this perspective now that you’re able to share, to give hope & encouragement to others…I guess what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and I appreciate your words & encouragement tremendously.

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