Silk: Called Forth

Called ForthThe name of your silk is Called Forth. The colors in it are:

  • Blackberry representing richness/fullness
  • Sky blue representing prophetic
  • Light blue representing heavenly
  • White representing holiness
  • Silver shimmer representing strengthened faith

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Isaiah 54:2-5 (VOICE) Enlarge your house. You are going to need a bigger place; don’t underestimate the amount of room that you’ll need. So build, build, build. You will increase in every direction to fill the world. Your offspring will take over the nations; Your people will revitalize long-abandoned towns. Don’t be afraid, for there is no one to shame you. Don’t fear humiliation, for there is no one to disgrace you. The shame of your younger years and the sorrow of your widowhood are over. You’ll forget those days as if they never happened. Because the One who made you will be your husband; the One called Commander of heavenly armies Will set you right again, the Holy One of Israel. It’s not for nothing that He is called “God of all the earth.”
  • 1 Chronicles 4:10 (AMPC) Jabez cried to the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me! And God granted his request.

A word called “My Favor Shall Rest upon You” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this. This word speaks of God’s favor resting on you and making space for Him to grow and expand your reach. He is calling you forth from where you’ve been into new territory. You are being called to the forefront. There will be no hiding what Papa God wants to do in and through you. So shine, and shine brightly, knowing He is making Himself known through you. It is Him in you that people will see and respond to, so resist the urge to hide under scrutiny because it is Him that they see. Move in power. You’ve been called forth and bestowed with power from heaven – move in it mightily for the benefit of the Kingdom.

A Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Rainbow Covenant.”

Psalm 45:13 (TPT) As the princess bride enters the palace, how glorious she appears within the holy chamber, robed with a wedding dress embroidered with pure gold!

Beloved, I’m adorning you in My rainbow of promises that you might never forget the covenant that lies between us. I AM good and I AM faithful. You are Mine just as I AM yours. Refuse to tarnish or sully the beauty of what we have. 

Just as you expect fidelity from an earthly spouse, so I expect it from you. Just as you hope for affection and attention to be lavished from an earthly spouse, so I hope for it from you. And just as you pray for deep, abiding, sacrificial love from an earthly spouse, so, beloved, am I looking for that from you. Just as I give all these things to you. 

Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Those Who Trust Me Will Not Be Put to Shame.”

Psalm 2:12 (VOICE) …blessings await all who trust in Him. They will find God a gentle refuge.

Beloved, regardless of who may have hurt you in days past, I’m not them. I AM faithful and true, and I fiercely guard My children. Rest in Me and trust Me to have you’re best interests at heart – even when you cannot see it. 

Those who trust in Me will not be put to shame, for I cover them with My blessings and walk with them through each trial. The presence of hardships in your life does not mean I’m not faithful, for character and faith are built in those moments. But know I AM with you – sustaining you through your darkest hours, and I promise joy comes in the morning. So trust in Me. 

A final Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Morning Dance.”

Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.

Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien. 

Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance.

Destiny Church’s “Song 54“ is connected to this. The lyrics speak of bring the dormant (seemingly dead) dreams back to life. This is a time for the unfulfilled promises to come to pass. Be ready, be expectant, and be prepared. It is time to celebrate – give praise even in advance of the manifestation of your promises. Give praise because the One who has promised is faithful and worthy. Nothing can stop Him and nothing can stand against Him. So give thanks.

A Meditation of the Word called “The Secret of Divine Timing” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this. 

Hebrew 11:11 (NKJV) By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

God confirmed His covenant with Abraham eight times before actually fulfilling the promises of that covenant. The birth of Isaac finally came when Abraham was 100-years-old and Sarah was 90-years-old. But why so long? What was the point in all of that waiting?

When God first promised to make Abraham into a great nation, that promise actually could have been interpreted in a few different ways. When we read it we already know the fullness of the promise, so we may miss this fact. But Abraham didn’t know how God was going to make him into a great nation. It was completely plausible that it would happen through his nephew, Lot, his son, Ishmael, or his servant, Eliezer. However, that wasn’t what the plan looked like in God’s mind. It seems that God waited until Abraham and Sarah were completely ready to catch and embrace the vision. There was a spiritual and physical legacy that God desired to build through these two people. If they could not perceive it, how could they come to believe and receive it?

When we are used to simply trusting and obeying God, sometimes we may not realize that the fulfillment of our promises requires a change in our relationship with Him and a change in ourselves. He desires to take us deeper into intimacy where we partner with Him in His purposes. Therefore, in His grace and mercy, He will draw us to where we need to be in our relationship with Him. Along the way, He will remind, rehearse, and reaffirm His Word over us until we see as He sees. This process changes us—we die to ourselves and to the designs of the human heart to instead embrace a grander, higher design. When we do finally see and when we do not have any hesitation about what He wants to do in and through us, it is then and only then that we can fully receive His promises.

This has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Restoration oil as a reminder that the Holy Spirit is fully able to restore and protect. It is never too late for something or someone to be used of God. He washes and brings restoration and new life. The verse that accompanies it is from Nehemiah 2:17 (NASB) “Then I said to them, ‘You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.’”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: this word has been updated since it was originally posted. When God first started birthing words in His quiet time with me (God Speaking Through Silk), it was before He’d begun downloading the Prophetic Nuggets each day. During that time He would highlight words from other ministries to me and then show prophetic connections, all of which was shared in the letters. Over time as He began downloading more prophetic words through the Dyed4you ministry team, we began referencing other words without quoting them in their entirety. Instead, we’d summarize and sometimes share the connection we were sensing and would reference where to find the original. We did this for a variety of reasons including helping cultivate followers for the other ministries rather than simply quoting them, and also to give our Dyed4you customers a place to start as we encouraged them to dig into God’s mysteries themselves. This word has been updated to follow the new format.

Note: this word was updated and expanded in May of 2019

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