Silk: Eyes of Fire

The name of your silk is Eyes of Fire. The colors in it are:

  • Fuchsia representing passion
  • Yellow representing glory and joy
  • China red representing consuming fire
  • Orange representing fire
  • Pearl shimmer representing holiness

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Revelation 19:12 (AMP) His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many royal crowns; and He has a name inscribed on Him which no one knows or understands except Himself.
  • Revelation 1:13-16 (VOICE) And among the lampstands, I saw One like the Son of Man right in front of me dressed in a long robe. Across His chest was draped a golden sash. His head and hair were pure white, white as wool and white as snow; His eyes blazed like a fiery flame; His feet gleamed like brightly polished bronze, purified to perfection in a furnace; His voice filled the air and sounded like a roaring waterfall. He held seven stars in His right hand, from His mouth darted a sharp double-edged sword, and His face shone a brilliant light, like the blinding sun.

The lyrics to Bethel’s spontaneous song “When You Walk into the Room” is connected to the silk.

When you walk into the room, Everything changes
Darkness starts to tremble At the light that you bring
And when you walk into the room, Every heart starts burning
And nothing matters more Than just to sit here at your feet
And worship you, We worship you

We love you, and We’ll never stop
We can’t live without you, Jesus
We love you, And we can’t get enough
All this is for you, Jesus

When you walk into the room, Sickness starts to vanish
Every hopeless situation ceases to exist
And when you walk into the room, The dead begin to rise
‘Cause there is resurrection life In all You do

Come and consume, God, All we are
We give you permission, Our hearts are Yours
We want You, We want You

You’ve only tasted and seen, come on take delight in Me.

Oh and just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, You show up with so much more, so much more. There’s so much more to see. There’s so much more to know. There’s so much more to know about You. You’re calling us into deeper levels of intimacy. Deeper and deeper levels of intimacy. Intimacy.

Are you ready to look into the eyes of fire? Are you ready to look into the eyes of fire?Intimacy. He’s calling out to the deep in you and the deep in me. How He burns for you and me. Intimacy. So I am ready to look into the eyes of fire. The deep in You calls to the deep in me. Intimacy.

A portion of an article called “Jesus’ Eyes of Fire” from is related to this silk. “A FLAME of fire is the same as saying a BLAZING FIRE.  Jesus’ eyes were full of FIERY INTENSITY.  What do you envision when you think of FIERY EYES?  Are these eyes which convey comfort and compassion?  Do they soften with love and adoration?  Or are they blank, showing no emotion at all?  Most definitely NO! Eyes flashing like flames of fire are hot with passion.”

His eyes of fire. Fiery flames. Passion. Intense. Fierce. Ferocious jealousy over you. Righteous indignation at the ploys of the enemy. A strength and authority beyond your comprehension. The embodiment of power and glory. And yet He loves you, is mindful of you, desires relationship with you…for eternity has longed for you to choose Him, love Him, make Him your God and choose to be His.

He will not lie to you. He never says the road will be easy, but He promises He will always be with you – never leave you or forsake you – give you strength in your weakness, and be your Provider, Protector, Healer, Redeemer, and so much more. So much more. So are you ready to look into the eyes of fire? Allow the deep in Him to call to the deep in you? Receive the intensity of His passion at a new level? Say yes. Say yes, because He is worth it and what He has in store is so much greater than anything you’ve experienced so far.

Portions of a word from June Reinke of Prophetic Light are connected to this silk.

Moses also experienced this [ministering in power and the Fire of the HOLY GHOST and heavy, weighty, tangible glory] when He saw the glory of GOD, heard His voice, saw Him write with His finger as he entered into the midst of His presence by invitation. I hear the LORD say, “Come up higher.” Moses then had to go down to where the grumbling people were, deliver them the message from GOD and endure their rebellion, their disbelief, their dishonor, their disobedience, their complaints and even their attempted mutiny. He kept ascending and descending to reach the multitude below. You will do the same. Just as JESUS was moved with compassion when He saw the needs of the common people and healed the sick, delivered the captives, opened their blind eyes, caused the mane to be whole, the lame to walk, cleansed the lepers, and pronounced that His kingdom had come, you will be His prepared vessel of honor to do as He did. You will ascend into heavenly places with Him, not to just bask there in His glory, but to bring heaven to earth and enforce His kingdom and His will to be done on earth as you violently exercise this Holy GHOST power and authority that you are given.

You will have revelation in the heights of His glory and He will do a swift work in you, through you and around you. You will be amazed by His baptism of grace and overwhelmed by His radiant glory! You will not enjoy all of this ride. The portions that stretch you and are uncomfortable and challenging to your faith between peaks will not only be experienced by you but cause you to be deeper. Your roots will go down deep and you will shoot up and branch out. You will become stronger, not weaker. You will be stretched to become expanded and enlarged. Your faith will be built so that at the next level you will operate in a greater way. What stretches you will also enlarge you and broaden your reach of others for the GLORY OF GOD and expanse of HIS KINGDOM on earth.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Glory Drops. The scriptures that go with this oil are:

  • And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen. Psalm 72:19
  • And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: John 17:22

The history of this oil is that one day during church Carol (the founder of the Scent of Heaven) saw a vision of glory drops coming down on some of the people. She cried out to the Lord asking, “Why aren’t there more people being touched?” Some weeks later, the weatherman mentioned that there has to be a ‘drawing’ below for the rain to come out of the clouds. The Lord immediately impressed upon her that we, likewise, need to be hungry and thirsty to be pure and holy, seeking for His glory so we can receive the glory drops. When enough of us create a sufficient drawing, His glory will fill the whole earth.

The deeper meaning of this oil reads, “Glory Drops represents the essence of the Lord’s glory falling on those who have sought His holiness and drawn it out by hungering and thirsting for Him. Like in Luke 8:46 where the woman touched the hem of the Lord’s garment and He asked, “Who touched me?” – she drew the power out of Him.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 🙂

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