Silk: Joy of the Anointing

The name of your silk is Joy of the Anointing. The colors in it are:

  • Soft gold representing oil of anointing
  • Golden yellow representing anointing and light
  • Khaki representing fresh oil
  • Pale pink representing God’s abiding presence
  • White representing pure-hearted
  • Pearl representing pure download
  • Bronze representing the beauty of the Lord
  • Gold shimmer representing authority and discernment

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Isaiah 10:27 (KJV) …and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
  • 1 John 2:27 (VOICE) You have an anointing. You received it from Him, and His anointing remains on you. You do not need any other teacher. But as His anointing instructs you in all the essentials all the truth uncontaminated by darkness and lies, it teaches you this: “Remain connected to Him.”
  • Psalm 133:1-3 (TPT) How truly wonderful and delightful, To see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity! lt’s as precious as the sacred scented oil Flowing from the head of the High Priest, Aaron Dripping down upon his beard, And running all the way down To the hem of his priestly robes. This heavenly harmony can be compared to the dew Dripping down from the skies upon Mount Hermon, Refreshing the mountain slopes of Israel For from this realm of sweet harmony, God will release His eternal blessing, The promise of life forever!

The lyrics from Kent Henry’s song “The Anointing” are also connected to this silk.

The anointing breaks strongholds
The anointing heals and makes whole
The anointing, increase now the flow. In Your presence, oh Lord

We rely and put our trust on a greater power, in You
We will not be ashamed cause we put our trust in You
One thing surely now I know: Your anointing it will change us

This is why we come and pray, it’s why we run to You
Cause in this life there is no fear when we find all strength in You
One thing surely now I know: Your anointing it will change us

Closer still I come. My heart and my ear are set toward You
And I still haven’t found my fill of Your presence

Your anointing breaks every chain
Your anointing breaks every chain
In Your presence I’m not the same. Here we go again…
Your anointing breaks every stronghold
Your anointing carries me home
Your anointing covers me everyday
Your awesome presence. Your abiding presence.
I believe.

A word called “Fresh New Oil” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is also connected to this silk.

I will refresh you as I pour down fresh new oil of My Spirit upon you and in you, says the Lord. I will soothe all of your wounds as I heal them. I will saturate you with the fresh anointing oil as you are filled and covered. It is not stale or stagnant, but pure and lively. The scent of My presence will not only captivate your attention, but draw others. For you will not be the same again. I will renew vitality and youthfulness in you and you will jump for unspeakable joy. You will surprise yourself, for you didn’t think you had it in you, says the Lord. You will not be speaking about the wasted years or mourn over failed the harvests of the past, but you will rejoice for the bountiful harvest that is before you. You will rejoice and be exceedingly glad in Me, says the LORD.

I will not only restore comforts onto you, but I will restore you, says the LORD. I will give you new life and a whole new level of purpose will become clear to you as and unfold. You thought you missed your opportunities. You thought it was finished. You thought you were done. You were heading for the showers with a feeling of dejection, disappointment, shame and defeat. But you will not get there. Instead I will rain down My showers of blessing upon you right in the open field, and instead of people running away from you, they will run toward you. Some will be aligned with you and will run you. But you indeed will run. You will have renewed strength and you will not be weary or faint. You will be filled with more than enough and minister to all who come with an overflow of My Spirit and power as I use you for My glory, says the Lord.

{hearing} Move in power. Increase. Increase. Increase! He is leveling you up. As He has covered you with His healing balm, He has prepared you for new things. Behold they spring forth! The cumulative effect of time spent in His presence is now reaping a stronger and more powerful anointing. And though you will feel the weight of it in the sense it will bring a sober awareness, it will not be a burden. For He has given you JOY in His anointing! That joy brings light and life. Like a lighthouse seen from a distance, giving direction, pointing the way, thwarting the pitfalls – so too are you. Shine brightly and unashamed. This is who He has created you to be. Walk in it.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Sparkling Dew. The scripture that goes with this oil is Isaiah 26:19 (AMP), “Your dead shall live [O Lord]; the bodies of our dead [saints] shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For Your dew [O Lord] is a dew of [sparkling] light [heavenly, supernatural dew]; and the earth shall cast forth the dead [to life again; for on the land of the shades of the dead You will let Your dew fall].”

Deeper meaning of this oil reads, “Sparkling Dew is all about awakening and refreshing. Isaiah 26:19 speaks of the dead living – awaking and singing. A related scripture that was part of the word is from Ezekiel 37 – bringing the dead bones to life! Awakening to a call to live a holy life – living the fullness of all God has purposed. No longer allowing a spirit of compromise and all that inhibits the Lord’s plan. Awakening to Him, His way, His plan… His life! His sparkling dew also brings refreshing for those who are already seeking hard after Him. The dew moistens and refreshes that which is parched and dry by the harshness of life. The dew of the Spirit of the Lord brings forth life from death, His holy anointing.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

9 February 2017

I realized after He released me to make a quill  for myself that He built this word off a silk called Sparkling Dew, which came forth from a prophetic prayer meeting hosted by James Nesbit about 10 years ago. It was a special one to Me and I felt its loss acutely so it’s extra special that He’s restoring it to me with expansions based on where I am now. He is so good!

3 Replies to “Silk: Joy of the Anointing”

  1. Pingback: Silk: Lush Growth (Flourisher) & Art: Saturated in Living Water – Meghan W

  2. Pingback: Introducing: Drawing from the Source – Dyed4you Art

  3. Pingback: Portals of Praise – Dyed4you Art

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