Silk: From Mourning to Dancing & Art: Joy Comes in the Morning

This silk is a little different from the ones I normally share on here. Normally, I share ones that God gives me the pieces to in my quiet time with Him. And while that’s still true with this silk, one of the puzzle pieces in this treasure hunt was another Dyed4you silk, which was birthed by myself and another team member back in 2012. Since I like to give credit where credit is due (as you know if you read the letters because I always share what comes from who), I just wanted to give a thank you to the Dyed4you team and in this case specifically to the one who wrote the original Fellowship of Christ’s Suffering silk – she knows who she is 🙂

This version of this silk called From Mourning into Dancing (the ones in the flag videos at the bottom and the pictures below, were created by doing what I call over-dyeing. I took 2 existing silks called Fellowship of Christ’s Suffering and over-dyed them with black (because that was the color He said) and then added gold shimmer. They came out beautifully if I say so myself! Each video is one of the quills that was made from the two silks. They’re identical except for the ribbon along the quill (mine is plain red and the other has a special woven accent ribbon too. The special ribbon one ended up in a new Dyed4you Art piece called Joy Comes in the Morning – I shared it below both with and without the scripture on it. I’ve included the word for the art below as well.).

The name of your silk is From Mourning to Dancing. The colors in it are:

  • Golden yellow representing pursuit with intention
  • Fire representing flaming throne of God
  • Red wine representing the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings
  • Fuchsia representing deep place of the heart
  • Plum representing richness and abundance of fruit
  • Black representing death to self and the eye of God (the apple of His eye because His gaze is steady upon you)
  • Gold shimmer representing refined in the fire and glory

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Romans 8:16-18 (NKJV) The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
  • 2 Corinthians 1:5 (NKJV) For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.
  • 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NKJV) Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.
  • Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 (VOICE) Teacher: For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven: A time to cry, a time to laugh; a time to mourn, a time to dance;
  • Psalm 30:11-12 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light. You have restored my honor. My heart is ready to explode, erupt in new songs! It’s impossible to keep quiet! Eternal One, my God, my Life-Giver, I will thank You forever.

Too many believers shy away from experiencing hardships or resent them because they don’t understand that in those experiences is an opportunity to know our Messiah more intimately. As we weep for those we love who are lost, we are identifying with His heart and His sufferings. As we are persecuted for our beliefs, we experience in small measure the persecutions He experienced. The more we know Him – the more we understand His heart – the more intimate our relationship is with Him and the more steadfast our faith in Him and trust in His plan for our lives. We need not fear trials and testing or suffering of any kind, for if we yield to Him in the midst of those seasons we bear good fruit in our hearts as Romans 5:2-5 (ESV) tells us:

Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

This silk covers an understanding and identifying with the sufferings of Christ – the weighty sorrow – and then the shift from tears into laughter, mourning into dancing, and sadness into joy. There is beauty in allowing the mourning to run its course. Not hindering it or stuffing it down. There are things worth mourning, but He doesn’t leave us in that dark place – for joy comes in the morning. So just as you’ve embraced the weighty sorrow, equally release it to embrace the joy, laughter, and dancing. To embrace the joy and celebration in no way negates the weighty moments or their implications and consequences. There is simply a “time for all things”, insisting on staying in the weighty when it is a time of celebration won’t help, it will only bring misalignment with God’s flow. Therefore embrace the joy, and allow His restoration, healing, and celebration to overtake you. It is a time to dance!

A Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Look Ahead.”

Revelation 21:4 (AMPC) God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more, neither shall there be anguish (sorrow and mourning) nor grief nor pain any more, for the old conditions and the former order of things have passed away.

Beloved, resist the urge to get swept up in the cares and pains of this world. Remember that your time on earth is like the blink of an eye, while My Kingdom is everlasting. Sorrow may last for a night, but remember to embrace the joy of the new day – for it always comes.

The griefs and trials of today will pass, so be intentional to look ahead and align with eternity. Grieve, but don’t be overcome with grief. Trust My heart. Trust My plan. Allow My Spirit to comfort and encourage you. Rest in Me. Rely on Me. Hide yourself in Me. And look ahead.

Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Morning Dance.”

Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.

Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien. 

Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance.

A portion of a word from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings called “Love Will Lift Us” is connected to this. 

…He reached between the veil of heaven and earth, and I felt Him grab me and hold me! Miracle of miracles, I cried softly in this world yet, in the Spirit, perfect love held me in His arms! I relaxed a little and rested a bit more with His comfort. After a few minutes, I heard in the Spirit, “What’s the rush? Exhilarating.” Then over and over, I kept feeling this rush of wind and energy over my entire being going from head to toe. I felt like I was on Star Trek, and I was being “beamed up” or “energized”—literally energized! With wave after wave, I felt lighter and lighter. Then in the Spirit, I saw angels dancing around me in a circle. I have been seeing this for several days now. Angels will just appear around me in a circle, hemming me in. I knew this represented God’s whirlwind as well as His hedge of protection surrounding me.

Standing beside me, Yeshua asked with a smile, “Shall we dance?” This is His special code phrase to me. It is a reminder of moving to the rhythm of His love, His heartbeat. It is also a reminder that I can trust Him to lead…

While Yeshua and I danced and talked, I felt the continual rush of these joy bubbles soaring past me, lifting my spirits and cleansing me of the filth from this world. The sting of the arrows of ridicule were being washed away. Inside of my little bubble world with the Lord, this shelter of the Most High, every arrow sent by the enemy and through the mouths of others was truly being turned into blessings. He reiterated His promises to me over and over. The future was looking brighter…

“I’m taking you to you’re new view,” Yeshua said. Suddenly, we were elsewhere in the Spirit. We were dressed as bride and groom, and He carried me in His arms. We were walking up to what felt like a very large beach. However, when He set me down and I looked out, it was not a beach at all. Before me stood the houses on the island of Crete. “The city on a hill”, the Lord said.

A wonderful, refreshing breeze blew through the city and toward us. The smell of the salty sea was on the air. As I meditated on this vision today, the words “sound of the sea” came to me. …Like many, the Lord has been speaking to me about this next season and has been promising a new “bay window”—a new view and deeper revelation.

David Brymer’s song “Restoration” is connected to this. It reminds us that the Lord brings restoration. He’s taken our pain, shame, and mourning and given us a new identity and overwhelming joy. We receive His restoration with grateful exuberance because He makes all things new. 

A final Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Praise-Filled Warrior.”

Psalm 149:3-4 (TPT) Break forth with dancing! Make music and sing God’s praises with the rhythm of drums! For he enjoys his faithful lovers. He adorns the humble with his beauty and he loves to give them the victory.

Beloved, rejoice and be glad for I AM good. I crown you with righteousness and cloak you in mercy. Declare My faithfulness in all the land. Sing praise to the One who is worthy – the One who loves you beyond comprehension. Sing the song of one who is deeply loved, for you are. 

Dance, beloved. Dance with joy as one who has been redeemed and set free. Give yourself as a joyous wave offering before your King. Rejoice, beloved. Be a praise-filled warrior with eyes firmly fixed on Me. 

A word called “Fullness of Joy” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is also connected to this silk. The word welcomes you into the presence of God, reminding you that all the hurt, loneliness, and sorrow that has plagued you can be lifted when the wine of His Spirit brings fullness of joy.  He offers comfort and peace and a promise to heal any broken or dry places in your heart. Remember His promise to turn your mourning to dancing, beloved. He is good to His Word. He promises to saturate you and overflow you with life – cleansing the “toxins and venom of the enemy” and replacing it with the pure water of His Spirit. Receive restoration, healing, and deliverance that you may bring the same to others in His name. Receive and pour out from your overflow. 

A “whisper” called “Everything about you is going to change.” from the Passion Translation team’s “I Hear His Whisper” is connected to this silk. It was originally distributed via email and is quoted in its entirety in the comments below. This word reminds us no one truly knows what is going on in your heart and soul but you and God. And though people might speculate, they don’t see how God sees. Where they see your struggles, God sees the glory of each incremental victory, your decisions to trust Him and to yield to His leading. So be encouraged not to be moved by what others may or may not see, and rather be moved by the Lord’s hand alone. His Holy Spirit flows in and through you – like a river of deep abiding love, nourishing and restoring – and bringing forth abundant life. Allow yourself to be saturated until you’re so full of His love that overflow  is the only thing that pours forth from you. Allow it to be transformational and life-changing. Song of Songs 1:12 (TPT) “As the King surrounded me at is table, The sweet fragrance of my praise-perfume Spread forth everywhere.” 

It has been prayed over and anointed with two different oils from the Scent of Heaven. The first is Holy Fire representing an act of willingness to be baptized in fire – to do what is necessary to go to the next level. The verse that accompanies the oil is from Matthew 3:11

“I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire..”

John 3:30 speaks of us decreasing so that the Lord may increase – as we die to our flesh, as we allow it to be burned away in the baptism of fire, the Lord becomes greater because more of Him is seen in us. We reflect more of Him.

The second oil is the Scent of Heaven’s Restoration oil, which is used as a reminder that the Holy Spirit is fully able to restore and protect. It is never too late for something or someone to be used of God. He washes and brings restoration and new life. The verse that accompanies it is from Nehemiah 2:17 NASB, “Then I said to them, ‘You see the bad situation we are in, that Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach.’”

The use of these two oils also paints a picture in the sense that fields are often burned to bring forth new life. In this same way, you surrendered to the fire in the heavy season and now the restoration – new flourishing life – will burst forth bringing more fruit than you thought possible. Light and joy and life radiating through you, a reflection of Him. And as you dance, your worship releasing that joy into the atmosphere; shifting things.  Further, the dance declares victory over every area you were in mourning for.

So dance beloved! Dance before your King. Allow the joy and laughter to permeate – I can hear it now ringing through the atmosphere and echoing into the heavenlies. Your head thrown back as you spin and dance releasing waves of His golden glory – shimmering and sparkling around you; surrounding you and spinning outward. Heaven invading earth. You are His vessel. You are His chosen one. So dance…

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: this word has been updated since it was originally posted. When God first started birthing words in His quiet time with me (God Speaking Through Silk), it was before He’d begun downloading the Prophetic Nuggets each day. During that time He would highlight words from other ministries to me and then show prophetic connections, all of which was shared in the letters. Over time as He began downloading more prophetic words through the Dyed4you ministry team, we began referencing other words without quoting them in their entirety. Instead, we’d summarize and sometimes share the connection we were sensing and would reference where to find the original. We did this for a variety of reasons including helping cultivate followers for the other ministries rather than simply quoting them, and also to give our Dyed4you customers a place to start as we encouraged them to dig into God’s mysteries themselves. This word has been updated to follow the new format.

Sorry my framing was a bit off on the one below. It’s the one with the special ribbon. 

(1 April 2017 just remade this silk for the first time since the 2 original silks which were overdyed, and WOW did the single dye process one come out differently – gorgeous, but very different. The video is below.)

7/7/17 update – since I regifted my quill to someone else in the Dyed4you Community (whose response to them was “I am sure it is no coincidence the flag you sent, but I wanted you to know that it means more than you know or that I can put into words in just a few sentences. Thank you for your kindness and sweet gesture. I will treasure it.”), Papa released me to remake this style for myself as large spin wings and I LOVE them!

Update 22 April 2019

I have been going back and dyeing and refinishing some of the flutes in my personal collection (since we started doing Dyed4you flutes), and I had this beautiful purple heart flute from Ancient Territories that I hadn’t planned to dye because the wood is so exquisite. One day I looked over at it and immediately “saw” the bird of the flute (which is maple) dyed in the From Mourning to Dancing style. Since the tone of the flute is bright and joyous, it felt like such an appropriate connection – not to mention the colors were perfect! So I dyed it and I love how it came out 🙂

Joy Comes in the Morning Dyed4you Art Piece

Last week, a Dyed4you team member shares this image on Facebook and I loved it! It inspired me to want to create something with a similar feel (I still love this piece, no idea who the artist is, but it is lovely). A few days ago I began tinkering with a new art piece during a call with a dear friend from the Dyed4you community (we frequently do calls and pray and I’ll create while we talk), but it wasn’t coming together… I discovered later it was because the silk hadn’t been created yet. So after From Mourning to Dancing was birthed, Joy Comes in the Morning came forth 🙂

Joy Comes in the Morning is the reminder of the promise of the coming dawn, and it captures the glorious feel that fresh day full of possibilities brings.

  • Psalm 30:5b (NKJV) Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.
  • Psalm 30:5b (VOICE) The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.

The new day can feel like a slate that has been wiped clean, full of hope and endless possibilities. As we wait on that promised daybreak, we are prepared to embrace the dawn (whenever that spiritual dawning may happen) and open ourselves wide to what Father has in store. Knowing He will pour out His glory and shine it on us and through us, we keep our eyes fixed solely on Him, engaged in worship of the One who is holy, thanking Him for all He is, all He does, all He brings forth – for He is worthy and He is good.

A Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Season of Breakthrough.”

Isaiah 61:2 (VOICE) He has sent me to announce the year of jubilee, the season of the Eternal’s favor: for our enemies it will be a day of God’s wrath; For those who mourn it will be a time of comfort.

Beloved, the time for mourning is past. Embrace the season of breakthrough with all the joy of a new day. Those that come against you shall fail, and those who stand beside you will prosper. 

Resist the urge to rejoice in the defeat of your enemies. Instead pray that they would choose more wisely – that all may see, know, and embrace truth, and walk in the freedom of righteousness. 

Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Morning Dance.”

Psalm 126:5 (TLB) Those who sow tears shall reap joy.

Beloved, I have promised and I will deliver. I AM good to My word. Rest in a place of joyful expectation, even when the night is long and the sky looks dark, know that I AM with you, My angels surround you, and I AM faithful. I watch over My word to perform it. Stand fast and believe. Let joyful expectation be your mien. 

Dance, beloved – as in your mourning you expect your morning, dance, for the dawn is coming. Worship as you wait, knowing I AM faithful. Knowing I AM good. Knowing I AM with you. And knowing I AM worthy. Give praise, and give it freely and without reserve. Bring forth your mourning dance that it might become your morning dance.

A final Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Rejoice in My Splendor.”

Psalm 108:1 (VOICE) My heart is committed, O God: I will sing; I will sing praises with great affection and pledge my whole soul to the singing.

Beloved, stand in awe of My splendor as night turns to dawn. Whether literal or in your circumstances, the dramatic shift from dark to light is worth delighting in. Give praise to the One who awakens the day. Give praise to the One, who shifts your dark circumstances to radiant joy.

I AM able. My name is Elohim Yakol, God most able. No night is so dark My light cannot pierce it. So wait expectantly for morning, and praise the One who brings forth the dawn. Rejoice in My splendor, beloved, for I AM worthy.

Psalm 108:1-5 (TPT) O God, is quiet and confident, all because of you. Now I can sing my song with passionate praises! Awake, O my soul, with the music of his splendor. Arise, my soul, and sing his praises! I will awaken the dawn with my worship, greeting the daybreak with my songs of light. Wherever I go I will thank you. All the nations will hear my praise songs to you. Your love is so extravagant, it reaches higher than the heavens! Your faithfulness is so astonishing, it stretches to the skies! Lord God, be exalted as you soar throughout the heavens. May your shining glory be seen high above all the earth!

A word called “The Day Will Break” by June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this. This word reminds you that regardless of how dark the night may seem, daylight always comes. So refuse to be discombobulated by the dark where your view is dimmed – no fear, pain, or trouble will last forever, for the morning always comes. We serve a God of breakthrough. He eliminates the darkness and brings His light. He called forth the light in the beginning (Genesis 1:3), and He still calls forth light today. So receive it by faith even before it comes knowing that the One who has promised is faithful. 

Misty Edwards’ spontaneous song “Do You Know the Way You Move Me” is connected to this. It reminds of the need to stand fast in faith and trust the Lord. She sings as though Father is speaking to us, “…and I saw you denying your flesh when everything inside of you is screaming. You said No. I want to show love. And you fought the fight. Even when you cannot see, still you believe. And I say Angels, Oh Angels, Oh Angels! Look and see! Look and See! In that dark night of faith they’re still loving me.” Remain steadfast. And remember as you do the beauty of your faith – your trust in Papa – is like a sweet fragrance before His throne.

The name of the silk in this image is From Mourning to Dancing. The colors in it are golden yellow representing pursuit with intention, fire representing flaming throne of God, red wine representing the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings, fuchsia representing deep place of the heart, plum representing richness and abundance of fruit, black representing death to self and the eye of God (the apple of His eye because His gaze is steady upon you), and gold shimmer representing refined in the fire and glory.

Father in the darkness before the dawn, we refuse to give up. We refuse to look away. We refuse to stop worshipping You and waiting on Your move. You’ve promised joy in the morning and we stand on that promise and watch it break forth!


12 Replies to “Silk: From Mourning to Dancing & Art: Joy Comes in the Morning”

  1. This silk is simply beautiful! Going to reread this again and let it sink in… Such depth in color and meaning- so many things to contemplate!

  2. This really spoke to me had a rough year and would find myself telling God its been a really long night but His joy has come not only in the mourning but in the mourning. He quiets us with His love so this spoke volumes to my heart. Flagging has been tone of the main things that has kept me near Him. In that place of intimacy and worship I have able to step out of the night and out of mourning into His joy. These stories always encourage me and every flag you’ll share is so uplifting. This is such a blessing. Thank you’ll for sharing.

    • So glad it blessed you! Praying for a season shift for you and continued strength, grace, and joy as you walk it out. Bless you sweet sister! If you’ll send me your address I feel like Papa wants me to bless you with something – a kiss from heaven 🙂

  3. Pingback: Silk: Lush Growth (Flourisher) & Art: Saturated in Living Water – Meghan W

  4. Yes! Receiving this! Really needed this as well. So glad the Lord led me to read through some of these. I’ve been avoiding it for some reason. Now I’m blessed 🙂

  5. Pingback: Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song – Meghan W

  6. Pingback: Dyed4you Art Blog » Introducing: Joy Comes in the Morning

  7. Father had me pass along my flag that is in this image. I also made sure to share the image too. Here was her response (love God’s confirmations)!

    Inspiration today. Your pictures and today’s word and the pic I used on Facebook seem to go in sync.

    Daily Prophetic Word
    July 6, 2017
    By MaryEllen Martyn

    The Father says, “You are My Burning One! Where once I spoke through a bush, but now I speak through My Sons and Daughters. Choose My ways and you will see the Unimaginable as waves in the Ocean. Heaven is closer in this Hour. Hear the Celebrations taking place in your honor. Let what is to be make room in the void of what is past.

    I promised to give you Joy for your sorrows. Seasons come and Seasons leave. What I have for you is worth far more than all of the jewels of royalty. I will erase what was less than My Best in your days. I am near to the brokenhearted and I weep when you weep. What you sow in tears will you reap in a beautiful harvest.

    Doors are closing all around you. This is for your good and not a detriment. Do not chase after what is behind you even when it was a blessing for a time. I have more for you and until you let go, I cannot fill your hands once more. Trust Me for I will not fail you. The stepping stones before your feet will safely take you through the Valley, over the Sea, through the Forest, and over the Highest Mountains.

    As the Sun Sets over the Beauty of Yesterday, the Sun Rises In the Valley, over the Sea, through the Forest, and over the Highest of Mountains. Look with anticipation to the Grandest of Landscapes yet to be seen! For Behold I do a New Thing! Do not look for what I already did for I am not there. Let your Eyes fix upon what has never been becoming the Favor Multiplied and Multiplied again. Your Future is Bright and Endless in Possibilities.”

    ~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope
    #replenishedhope #dailypropheticword #dailyprophetic
    Replenished Hope

  8. Pingback: How-to Walk Through Trials [The Sufferings of Christ / Dayenu (Sufficient)] – MeghanW

  9. A “whisper” called “Everything about you is going to change.” from the Passion Translation team’s “I Hear His Whisper”.

    “No one can understand the depth of My work in your soul. Others can only speculate over what I am doing in your life. They see the struggle, the pain. But I see the glory of the crown I’ve placed on your head. I see you in the place where you sit at My right hand, taking your regal throne as My partner and My friend. The call on your life is divine and delightful. Let no one disturb your peace as your reign with Me and discover more of My love.

    “The river flowing inside of you is the river of the Holy Spirit–a river of love. Divine affections flooding your being, a continual moving stream that flows from within your innermost being! This supernatural current is the poured-out love of God that is meant to saturate you until that’s all you can do is love Him back. Get into that river and let the many streams make you glad. Everything about you was made for this overwhelming love. Prepare your heart for what I am about to do inside your soul, for everything about you is going to change. I will transform you!”

    “As the King surrounded me at is table, The sweet fragrance of my praise-perfume Spread forth everywhere.” Song of Songs 1:12 (TPT)

  10. Pingback: Joy Comes in the Morning – Dyed4you Art

  11. Pingback: Step Out of the Boat – Daily Downloads from Heaven

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