Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song

Unlike the last two silk/art pairings I posted (Silk: Lush Growth (Flourisher) & Art: Saturated in Living Water and Silk: From Mourning to Dancing & Art: Joy Comes in the Morning), this one the art piece was created first and it inspired the silk (which was then included in the art). This art piece came forth having been inspired both by a Tamera Alexander book I was reading called “A Note Yet Unsung,” which I very much enjoyed. I hope you’re blessed by the art and silk and their words.

Heart Praise represents the place our heart and spirit go as we pour out unabashed praise for our King.

“Release your heart’s joy in sweet music to the Eternal. When the upright passionately sing glory-filled songs to Him, everything is in its right place. Worship the Eternal with your instruments, strings offering their praise; write awe-filled songs to Him on the 10-stringed harp. Sing to Him a new song; play each the best way you can, and don’t be afraid to be bold with your joyful feelings.” Psalm 33:1-3 (VOICE)

“Compose a new song, and sing it to the Eternal because of the unbelievable things He has done; He has won the victory with the skill of His right hand and strength of His holy arm.” Psalm 98:1 (VOICE)

“Rejoice in Me always, says the Lord. The enemy cannot stand the sound of praise that comes from your heart to Me. He will flee from the scene, for where I actively abide, he cannot remain. Where My thoughts prevail in you, his illegitimate pessimistic, condemning thoughts evaporate. Change the atmosphere all around you with My powerful presence with melodies of praise, and the darkness will disappear, as My light pierces through, the depression will leave as you put on the garment of praise, the mourning will cease to exist as you are anointed with the oil of joy that comes from My abiding presence and you will have prevailing peace! Yes, sing onto me a new song. Be joyful in Me, for I Am your unfailing God, and you are the song of My heart, says the Lord” (“Sing Onto Me a New Song” by June Reinke of Prophetic Light).

As we retreat into our quiet place and pour out our heart’s depths before the Lord, He opens heaven before us. The harmony of our song (whether it be lovely in the natural or not), rings forth in exquisite resplendence across the heavens. Its clear sound resonating and echoing the fullness of our love for Him. Hold nothing back beloveds, for He is more than worthy. All of heaven joins in, rejoicing with the majestic beauty of your song. Its aroma a sweet fragrance, a pleasing offering – like incense, let our praise arise!

The name of the silk hidden in this image is New Song. The colors in it are coral representing deep things of the heart, cream representing sweet aroma, sky blue representing heavenly, and peacock blue representing fullness of His flow.

Father, You alone are worthy of all our praise! We pour out our hearts as an offering before You. May it bring a sweet aroma before Your throne; may it be pleasing to You. The only thing we have to give You that You didn’t first give us is our hearts, so freely we give, for You deserve it!

Silk: New Song

The name of your silk is New Song. The colors in it are:

  • Coral representing deep things of the heart
  • Cream representing sweet aroma
  • Sky blue representing heavenly
  • Peacock blue representing fullness of His flow

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Psalm 30:13 (TLV) So my glory will sing to You and not be silent. Adonai my God, I will praise You forever.
  • Psalm 33:3 (VOICE) Sing to Him a new song; play each the best way you can, and don’t be afraid to be bold with your joyful feelings.
  • Psalm 45:1-2 (VOICE) My heart is bursting with a new song; lyrics to my king erupt like a spring for my king, to my king; my tongue is the pen of a poet, ready and willing. Better by far are you than all others, my king; gracious words flow from your lips; indeed, God has blessed you forever.

Open your heart, beloved, and let it pour forth before the Living God, your Creator, the only one worthy of your praise. Pour out your heart and soul as a living offering, sweet incense before His throne. He has put a new song in your heart; release it. Release the sound. YOUR sound. The sound of your love for Him. Don’t hold back or be ashamed, don’t cover your light for fear of what others might think or say, release it like one might release a dove watching it take flight in its glory and beauty, bringing life and shifting the atmosphere as it moves.

Allow your song to shift things. Allow the light it brings – the glory – to shine brightly warming those who hear. The angels in heaven join with the sound as the pleasing aroma wafts before the throne.

Two words from June Reinke of Prophetic Light are connected to this silk. The first is called “Sing onto Me a New Song“.

Sing onto Me a new song, says the Lord. Yes, let your heart and voice sing! Let the song of praise and thanksgiving flow out of you! I inhabit your praise. Let melodies of My loving kindness flood your very soul, for I Am magnified in the midst of you! My name is great! Sing of My wonderful love and mercy for you! Let your own heart sing a love long to Me! Do not sing the blues, says the Lord. Do not meditate on the problems that you face or the negative reports around you. Think of who I Am in your life! Think of the good things that I have promised you in My Word! Let your thoughts gravitate toward this, for where your thoughts take you, that is where you will be. You cannot sing onto me and make melodies of praise onto Me and maintain a position of depression and defeat, says the Lord. Yes, lift up your heart to Me in complete praise and worship. I Am not a God of gloom. I did not author defeat, but victory. I Am the God of all comfort. Old tunes of dirge and sadness do not lift you! Sing of victory in Me! Let faith arise in your heart, says the Lord.

I Am singing a love song to you, My beloved. Listen to the echo of My song in your heart! My heart sings when I think upon you. Will your heart sing as you think upon Me? Rejoice now and always, says the Lord. Rejoice that I Am with you, in you, undergirding you, strengthening you, providing for you, helping you, equipping you, covering you with My feathers, and rejoicing over you! Yes! I rejoice over you! Rejoice in Me always, says the Lord. The enemy cannot stand the sound of praise that comes from your heart to Me. He will flee from the scene, for where I actively abide, he cannot remain. Where My thoughts prevail in you, his illegitimate pessimistic, condemning thoughts evaporate. Change the atmosphere all around you with My powerful presence with melodies of praise, and the darkness will disappear, as My light pierces through, the depression will leave as you put on the garment of praise, the mourning will cease to exist as you are anointed with the oil of joy that comes from My abiding presence and you will have prevailing peace! Yes, sing onto me a new song. Be joyful in Me, for I Am your unfailing God, and you are the song of My heart, says the Lord.

The second word from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is called “A New Song“.

I will give you a NEW song with a NEW sound, says the LORD. For the former things that have bogged you down and kept you entrapped will not stay My hand. I will come in fury against the enemy that has threatened you and rescue you from his arrogant and illegitimate assaults and insults against you. His weapons formed against you will not destroy you but will be dismantled, and his diabolical works destroyed by My Sword, says the LORD.

Do not fear, but sing new songs of victory, says the LORD. For I will be a terror to the terror, an enemy to the enemy and a threat to the enemy that threatens you. I will stand with you and defend you and you will Know that as I cannot be defeated, neither can those who trusts in ME be overcome by the evil one. I will fight for you and you will know that the battle is not yours, but Mine. I Am the uncontested champion Who will secure you and cause you to triumph in Me always, says the LORD.

A portion of an article from Chaim Bentorah of Biblical Hebrew Studies called “Word Study: By My Spirit” is connected to this silk.

John 4:23-24 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. (24) God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.”

Zechariah 4:6 “Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This [is] the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”

Jesus told the woman at the well that we do not worship God in a building but in the Spirit. I believe Zechariah 4:6 not only addresses the building of the temple, but has a secondary prophetic meaning of worship. It looked forward to the time when we would worship God in the Spirit as Jesus said in John 4:24. The word Spirit in the Aramaic is also the word ruch identical the Hebrew word rauch. We could also read it not only as worship in the Spirit but also worship flowing from the Spirit.

So if this passage in Zechariah is also speaking of worship, which I firmly believe it does, how does that play out? How many times do we worship and praise God with chyill, self sufficiency. We literally will ourselves into feeling what we think is God’s presence by shouting “yippee and all that.” We dance, we sing, we shout, we clap our hands trying to bring the Spirit, rauch to us and the congregation. Rather than the dancing, singing, clapping and shouting being the result of the Spirit already manifesting Himself in us. Our worship leaders feel their well-rehearsed music presentation, carefully choreographed to start off slow and build to a loud burst or the other way around and ending with a soft, quiet song is what brings about the worship.

To try and bring about the presence of the Lord by these manifestations is chyill, self sufficiency, trying to do it ourselves. These manifestations should only come through the Spirit not the Spirit coming from the manifestations….The Spirit of God moves when He wants to move, He is not subject to any musical performance, hand clapping, shouting to call Him down.

So worship Him because He is worthy. Let that alone be your motivation. Pour out the song in your heart and let Him respond how He desires to respond. Yes we want to tangibly sense His presence, but it is His choice to respond to our gift of worship how He wants. If we’re giving our gift with an agenda of what we want to receive in return is it really freely given?

Come without expectations. Pour your offering of praise out simply because you can’t stand not to. Love Him because of who He is not because of what He does for you. Isn’t that the love we desire from Him? Unconditional. Give as you would receive. Without strings. Without expectations. Wholeheartedly. Freely. Passionately. Without reserve. Because that, beloved, is how He loves you too.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s New Song, which is used as a reminder to continue worshiping and praising Him in the Spirit. The scriptures that go with this anointing oil are:

  • “And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation. And You have made them a kingdom (royal race) and priests to our God, and they shall reign [as kings] over the earth!” Revelation 5:9-10 (AMP)
  • “And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.” Psalm 40:3 (AMP)

The deeper meaning of this oil reads, “The vibration of our songs have impact in the atmosphere. We have a choice over whether we will choose to lift worship and praise to the One who is worthy and be a release for His songs in the earth or if we will choose to be silent. But we must remember our silence doesn’t mean there will be silence. The enemy is busy trying to get those under his influence to release his sound in the earth. So if we are not helping shift the sound in the earth to bring praise to our God, we are allowing the enemy a greater voice. So choose to sing that new song! Lift it high and allow the ripples to effect the atmosphere.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

4 Replies to “Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song”

  1. So so good! Really touches me. I’ve been feeling like the Lord is saying/singing a new thing over me and giving me a new song. I’m still trying to walk into it and access it fully. This is a well timed word.

  2. Pingback: Introducing: Heart Praise – Dyed4you Art

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