Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress

This was a fun one. Inspired by what Happened with Bloodline (Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline), Papa had me ask one of my team members for a word. The word she gave was “gradient.” At first I thought maybe I’d misunderstood His nudge to ask – LOL – but then I considered His sovereignty again and decided to spend time pressing in, which He was faithful to download during. 

It was interesting how because of my background with color, gradient to me immediately makes me think of a gradient in terms of color, rather than slope (which was what He’d been speaking to my team member about – some very cool God mathematics).

Anyhow, below is what He ultimately birthed, hopefully hearing the back stories on some of these encourage you to realize hearing Him isn’t an exact science, nor is it one that ANYONE gets 100% right, nor do I think anyone every reaches a point where they feel 100% confident in it (nor should they since we ALL hear in part). My hope is these tidbits encourage you in your own relationship with Him and help you go deeper in honing your spiritual senses. 🙂

The name of your silk is Steady Progress. The colors in it are:

  • Fuchsia representing passion and persistence
  • Plum representing infilling of the Holy Spirit
  • Indigo representing songs of deliverance
  • Black representing death to self and eye of God (His pupil)
  • Silver representing strength 

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Zechariah 4:10a (NLT) Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…
  • Galatians 6:9-10 (VOICE) May we never tire of doing what is good and right before our Lord because in His season we shall bring in a great harvest if we can just persist. So seize any opportunity the Lord gives you to do good things and be a blessing to everyone…
  • Psalm 119:105 (VOICE) Your word is a lamp for my steps; it lights the path before me.

Incremental change. Do not grow frustrated when progress seems slow beloved. Nor accuse me of turning a blind eye or sleeping on the job simply because things don’t move as you would wish. Trust Me. Trust My timing. Like a gradient slowly shifts from one shade to another, the progress will be visible if you keep moving ahead. Simply focus on that next step. Stay where I have lit. Remain on My path, step by step, and you will reach the destination I have ordained, and in My perfect timing. Move with Me and be at peace in the timing and pace I have set.

A word called “I Am Not Sleeping” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this silk.

I Am not sleeping, says the LORD. I Never shut My eyes. I Am always alert and ready to act on your behalf. I Am never tired and I never need to rest. My eyes are upon you and I see every detail of your existence and know all that you need. You can rest in My care, for I Am on task and on schedule in all that pertains to you. I never plan detours for you and I do not create a maze for you so that you are confused and frustrated. The path is straight ahead as I clear the way for you, order your steps and enlighten them so that you do not stumble or fall, says the LORD.

All is well! You are safe in My arms, says the LORD. Don’t fret about the future that is unknown to you. For I have it all planned and mapped out for you. I set the pace and lead the way. You don’t have to send out a scout to discover the traps that the enemy sets for you, for I am aware. Nothing is hid from Me, and the darkness is light to Me. I will make a way for you where there is no way and foil the enemy’s plans. He will not destroy My works, but I will destroy His, says the LORD, and I will complete My good work in you that I have begun, and My promises for you will be fulfilled, says the LORD.

A post from the Passion Translation team is connected to this silk.

God never gives up on broken things. In fact, He begins with ruins and chaos and brings forth ‘beauty for ashes.’ Ruined things are my defeat but God’s beginning. There is nothing hopeless about your personality or circumstance, only an opportunity waiting for the power-driven fingers of God to bring a wonder, a witness of who He is. Your mess becomes a miracle if you will wait on Him. Calvary is our example. Shattered lives become breathtaking ornaments of beauty. This is our God, the God of grace.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Blessing oil, which is used as an agreement to be an open vessel; a vessel of giving blessing as well as being open to receiving His blessings from whatever vessel they come

The scriptures that go with this oil are:

  • Numbers 6:24-26 (ESV) The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
  • Matthew 5:9 (AMP) Blessed [spiritually calm with life-joy in God’s favor] are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they will [express His character and] be called the sons of God.
  • Luke 6:28 (VOICE) Keep speaking blessings on those who curse you. Keep praying for those who mistreat you.

The history of this oil reads, “As the Dyed4you team was birthing a new silk, Father nudged one of the team members that there was a new oil to go with it. This is then what He shared with her, “I just smell and feel something new. A specific anointing and flow with it; like a key to releasing a flow into the kingdom especially for these last days. It’s about timing and other streams that connect to this flow. Yes it’s about generosity, blessings, finances. But, it also brings a level of unity within the Body of Christ. It is a vital piece to bringing heaven to earth and preparing the way for Him. This is a key to these last days. It’s bigger than what can be described in words. I feel a Kim Clement prophetic mantle on this one. That kind of crystal clear authority and discernment. The way God used him and flowed through him….the kinds of weighty prophetic words/declarations. That is the weighty feeling I get. The scope of this flow and the subsequent ripple effects is just too big to put into words or describe.””

The deeper meaning reads, “Hearing “Blessing.” Everything from speaking blessings and being a blessing to receiving blessing and speaking prosperity. Blessed is… This is about the art of blessing and of being blessed (which happens when we walk in accordance with God’s will per Deuteronomy 28). We reflect God’s heart when we long to bless other and look for opportunities to bless/be a blessing. We see that principle in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (VOICE), “But I will say this to encourage your generosity: the one who plants little harvests little, and the one who plants plenty harvests plenty. Giving grows out of the heart—otherwise, you’ve reluctantly grumbled “yes” because you felt you had to or because you couldn’t say “no,” but this isn’t the way God wants it. For we know that “God loves a cheerful giver.” God is ready to overwhelm you with more blessings than you could ever imagine so that you’ll always be taken care of in every way and you’ll have more than enough to share.” Choose to walk that way. Choose to bless.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 


2 Replies to “Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress”

  1. I just saw less than 5 minutes ago a friend of mine posted a picture on social media of her last night in Tel Aviv. In the picture she is standing in the dark with a light at her feet! God is so amazing how He confirms things! I love the colors in this silk and the words that go with it. Sometimes life does feel like a crazy maze, but I am glad He is guiding our steps! Thank you for sharing!

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