Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline

We often refer to God as being sovereign, but I’m not sure we really stop and think about what that means. Here’s a few of the ways Merriam-Webster defines sovereign, “having unlimited power or authority, not limited; having undisputed ascendancy(position of power); possessed of supreme power; unlimited in extent.”

Before I continue, I also want to touch on a Hebrew word emunah (H530), which is typically translated faith/faithful, but also as steadfastness. “Emunah, however, is an innate conviction, a perception of truth that transcends, rather than evades, reason. Quite the contrary, wisdom, understanding and knowledge can further enhance true emunah” (What Is Emunah? Beyond Belief by Tzvi Freeman). With that introduction, let me tell you how this silk called Bloodline came to be.

My friend Nickol (who is behind our sister ministry Prophetic Worship Banners), and I were texting about a group of silks I was dyeing for her. Somehow she changed topics tone she had just dyed only I didn’t catch the switch and thought she was asking me to create one by that name (Bloodline). I thought to myself, “Wow. That’s kind of presumptuous of her to think she can give me a silk name and that I’ll be able to go off and make a silk!” But then I considered the fact that she flows in the prophetic and I know she hears the Lord, so I thought “perhaps God told her to ask me to make it.” So I didn’t say anything, merely noted it on my to-do list and moved on.

A few days later, I sat down with the word and what do you know, God gave me a download, told me where to find pieces that were to be included with the word, etc. Once it was finished I mentioned to Nickol I had the word done and she was like, “Oh He had you make a Bloodline silk too?” Pretty quickly we figured out what happened and I had to pause because this whole word was built on a misunderstanding, surely that couldn’t be right?!

But then I considered the fact that God is sovereign. He KNEW I was going to misunderstand. He also KNEW that it wasn’t a word I would have in my own flesh come up with, nor was it a topic He’d been speaking to me about. He KNEW it’d take me out of my comfort zone, and He KNEW He’d birth a word that was outside my “norm.” And frankly, none of that felt like a bad thing! I realized God Jehovah-Sneakied me!!! LOL 🙂

So with all that said, below is the new word for a silk called Bloodline, along with pictures of the silk at the bottom. The brief {seeing} section was a piece one of my teammates got and several of the colors were from Nickol (as she told me what was in her Bloodline silk). I pray you’re blessed by the word and the pondering of His sovereignty.

The name of your silk is Bloodline. The colors in it are:

  • Ruby representing the Blood
  • Pale pink representing tender loving care
  • Ox blood representing warfare
  • Gray representing humility
  • Camel representing steadfastness
  • White representing purity

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Ephesians 5:30 (AMPC) Because we are members (parts) of His body.
  • Ephesians 2:10 (AMPC) For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
  • Romans 8:28 (VOICE) We are confident that God is able to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful when we love Him and accept His invitation to live according to His plan.

{seeing} A lamb walking along the bloodline – a boundary – bringing protection and safety. Hedged in in love. We are His, we belong to Him. Protected, loved, safe.

A word called “I Have Separated You” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this silk.

I have separated you onto Myself, says the LORD.  You are My beloved child.  Come to Me as a little child with childlike faith and trust in ME, says the LORD.  I want you to learn that you cannot depend upon who you are, what you have, what you have achieved, what you can do or any other entitlement in life that you have independent of Me.  I Am training you to depend upon Me for your daily needs in life and to wait on Me and trust in ME when you cannot see and cannot control or change anything.  I want you to lean upon ME.  Your life is hid in ME.  Your destiny is in My hands.  I hold the key to your future.  You cannot manipulate or control your future or circumstances or change anything. You are not in charge.  I Am.  In this season, I desire you to come to Me in complete surrender and submission as a little child and allow Me to lead and direct you, says the LORD.

Your DNA has changed when you were born again and became a new creature in ME, says the LORD.   I have given you full entitlement as My child, and placed you in My kingdom.  Be on earth as I Am in Heaven.  Do as I do.  Speak as I speak. Be as I Am.  You are not your own.  I bought you with a price by My shed blood for you and the finished work on the cross.  I have given you light for darkness. I have given you a new name. I have placed My name upon you. I have given you a new spirit. I have transformed you to be like ME. Walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh.  I have given you My Spirit and My life and My counsel and MY presence and My power, and it is more than sufficient. It is abundant.  But you Must learn to walk in My Spirit, and turn aside from the things of the flesh.  Without Me you can accomplish nothing, but in Me you are complete and through ME you can do all things well, even as I do, says the LORD.

Two words from Father’s Heart Ministry are connected to this silk. The first is:

The Father says today that I have established My paternity on the inside of you. You are not only the child of man you are My child. I have birthed you by the DNA of who I am on the inside of you. There is a father of your natural flesh that chastened you after their pleasure. I am the Father of your spirit who chooses to bless you and indulge you after My good pleasure. Did I not say in My word that it is My good pleasure to give you the kingdom? It is My good pleasure to give you righteousness, peace and joy. I give you joy this day. I give you peace this day. I am your peace. Peace is who I am on the inside of you. I am peace and I am Lord therefore PEACE is taking control and exercising dominion over everything happening around you.

I am yours and you are mine – righteousness is your portion. Righteousness is your portion because of who I AM and what I have placed on the inside of you. You cannot fail or falter or fracture because you have yielded and bent the knee to who I am and what I am saying down deep in your spirit. Hear the rumbling of My voice says the Father for I am tabernacling on the inside of you and making Myself known to you. Be lifted up from the place of discouragement. You will not be discouraged but will be encouraged – and in the encouragement you will rise up and take flight into the full height of My blessing and portion and ministry assignment that is yours this very day.

The second from Father’s Heart Ministry is:

…The past is forgiven. The past is the past. The past is behind the bloodline of Calvary so no more cutting yourself and recriminating yourself over those things that you could have and should have done differently.

Step over into the new day. The new day is here. The new thing is here. The new mercy is here. My newness of mercy has found you and all is forgiven. All is washed and now you are clean through the word that I have spoken to you. Refuse to live in regret. Refuse to allow those who never let go to define how you feel about yourself or what you think the future holds. There are those who have determined that you will never escape your past but I have declared that you shall go free as a bird from the snare of the fowler. Go – and sin no more. Go and be free, cleansed, washed and empowered to a new life and a new possibility. All things are possible – only believe. This is your portion and this is your provision by My hand says the Father.

We are His. We belong to Him. Are cherished by Him. Are protected by Him. He has put boundaries in place – bloodlines – to say to the enemy “no farther”. The bloodlines are our bloodline in Him. Nothing can touch us, but by His hand. So we can (and should) trust wholeheartedly in Him and in His tender care of His beloved ones (us).

Do not let the enemy convince us that trial mean He loves us less or does not care. That is a lie! Beloved, consider those trials pure joy (James 1:2) and trust He will work it all for the good of those who love Him (you) and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Showers of Blessings, which is used in representation of the scriptural promise of God’s blessings, a prophetic declaration that we are heirs to His promise of showers of blessing. The scripture that goes with this oil is Ezekiel 34:26, “And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

3 Replies to “Sovereignty, Faith (Emunah), & Silk: Bloodline”

  1. Pingback: Hearing, Interpreting, & Silk: Steady Progress – Meghan W

  2. Absolutely beautiful silk and word!
    Abba is so wonderful at amazing us.

    I totally love your description of Jehovah-sneakied!


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