Silk: Aligned with Heaven

The name of your silk is Aligned with Heaven. The colors in it are:

  • Indigo representing covering and authority in warfare
  • White representing angelic presence and purity
  • Cayman island green representing heavenly flow
  • Bronze shimmer representing Son of God (Revelation 2:18)

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Matthew 6:10 (VOICE) Bring about Your kingdom. Manifest Your will here on earth, as it is manifest in heaven.
  • Matthew 18:18 (AMP) I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth shall have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth shall have [already] been loosed in heaven.
  • Psalm 123:1 (VOICE) I raise my eyes to fix my gaze on You, for Your throne resides in the heavens.

The kingdom of God is at hand. This is a season of acceleration, heavenly encounters. His majesty filling the earth. Let Him pour through you. Pour into you. Be a living vessel – ready and prepared to be made use of – helping to bring heaven to earth. Be aligned with Him; with His plans, His will, His truth. He is moving in the earth; will you not respond to His call? Be ready beloved, have plenty of oil and your wicks trimmed. Be prepared, ready in season and out. This is not a moment to be caught unaware for time is short, so be ready. Be ready. Be ready.

A “whisper” called “Heavenly Glory” from the Passion Translation team’s “I Hear His Whisper” is connected to this silk.

I will give to you a new heaven and a new earth. I am the God who makes all things new. I will renew your heart and spirit this day to know Me as the God of Heaven. My presence, My Immanuel, lives in you. Where My presence abides it is heaven. What makes the heavens full of glory is My presence, for where I am, glory is found. Living within you this moment is the heavenly glory that I given to My sons and daughters. Many look away to heaven and fail to embrace eternal life within. For everything that makes heaven real, lives in you, My child.

The heavenly reality will be made clear to you. Soon, all that is around you will become nothing more than trinkets compared to the glory that is within you. My endless grace has opened a fountain within you, pouring satisfying streams into your thoughts, your emotions, your very soul. This grace- fountain will be the source of life, heavenly life, within you. Love, joy, peace– is My presence in your soul. Fill your heart with My words and more of heaven will flow into you. Never say, ‘I am rich and in need of nothing,’ for that is the boast of the Laodecians who must come to Me and buy gold, so they can be truly rich.

Heavenly life is My portion which I share with you today. Have I not seated you in heavenly places and enthroned you as My overcomer at My right hand? All that I am I give to you, My heaven-born child. Receive yet more and drink of the water of Life that flows from before My eternal throne. Drink deeply of the substance that pours from Me. Heaven’s gift is yours this day.

Let your mind be renewed and brought into a heavenly perspective. I have you taken your true life and it is now hidden in My realm of glory. Set your eyes and your affections on heavenly things and watch the healing of your heart be complete. I have a heavenly eye salve that will cause your eyes to open to the brightness of My glory within you. I have pure white robes to place upon your inadequacy and weakness. I bring My children into My courts as they see what I have provided for My household. As My children praise Me I open greater doors into glory. Come into My world, for I have come into yours. Seek My face, forsake your habits of passivity and stir your heart to come into the heavenly chamber. For I am the God who makes you new, strong, and courageous.

Psalm 26:6-8 (TPT) “When I come before You, I’ll come clean, Approaching Your altar with songs of thanksgiving, Singing the songs of Your mighty miracles. Lord, I love Your Home, this place of dazzling glory, Bathed in the splendor and light of Your presence!”

His promises are real. They are “yes” and “amen” for His word will not return void – never, not ever – for He is not a man that He should lie.  He is truthful in all His ways. You can trust in Him. Believe in Him. Rest in Him. He is faithful and true. His plans for you are good. You were created for such a time as this. Be ready, beloved.

The lyrics from Bethel’s spontaneous song “Sweet Praise” are connected to this silk.

There is power in Your name. Name that saved us all
So much power in the name, Jesus

Come on, lift your voices. Sing out in the Spirit. Let praise rise in this place
Lift your voices, just lift your hands. Start to sing out in the Spirit
Come on, lift your voices. Sing a new song. Lift your voices

Sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet
Sweet, sweet sound, oh
Come on, lift your sweet praise. Sweet praise
We magnify Your name, oh. Oh, we lift You up. Sing out

Come on, just let your song rise. Just praise Him from the depths of you
Praise, praise higher. Praise past it all. There’s a sound. There’s a sound. There’s a sound

Lift You up. And we lift You up. Name above all names. Omniscient, omnipotent God
Oh, You are higher. Oh, God we just stand. You are faithful. And all my trust is in You, God
You are faithful. And all my hope is in You, God. You are faithful. Holy, You’re holy

Higher, higher. And we lift You up. Over all these things, O God. We lift You up
Let our focus be on You. And You lift us up. Calling us higher. Oh, You lift us up
Calling us higher. You lift us up

A word called “I Will Command My Blessings” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this silk.

I will command My blessings upon you, says the LORD, and you WILL BE blessed. You will be furnished. Your needs will be supplied. For all those who trust in Me will never be disappointed. I will never forget you or overlook you. Your concerns are Mine! Your troubles are not troubling to Me, but I will resolve things for you as you entrust your care to ME. Cast yourself upon Me and let Me carry you, says the LORD. For My arms never tire and you are not a burden to Me. I do not have to solve any problems, for I Am the solution. There is nothing that frustrates or challenges Me and your complications do NOT complicate Me, says the LORD.

Let your heart be untroubled as come into My presence where you will have renewed strength, says the LORD. Come near to Me and let My joy fill you and cause your heart to sing! For I desire you to be care-free and light hearted. I want you to shift every weight upon Me that you are loaded down with and let Me exchange your burdens for blessings that I have reserved for all those who will come. I Am waiting for you, says the LORD, and have provided for you MORE than enough. My table is set, and the feast is ready. Just come and take your seat next to Me and enjoy the things that I have prepared for all who Love Me, says the LORD.

Everything, everything, everything He has promised will come to pass. He is as good as gold. Solid as a rock. Wait on Him. For even though it may appear He is running late, He is right on time.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s New Jerusalem. We are to be preparing for the coming promises. We must be mindful of the times in which we live and make ready. The scripture that goes with this oil is Revelation 21:19-20, “The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.”

The Lord picked this oil as a parallel to what He has done in you – the new Jerusalem described in Revelation 21:18-21 is covered in sparkling jewels – stunning to behold.  Just like the rebuilding He has done in your heart and life has made you more remarkably beautiful than ever!  The Lord is holding you to His chest tightly… you are dearly beloved.

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

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