Zakar (Rememberer)

Several years back the Lord shed some clarity on how He’s wired me when I became aware of a role/calling that so perfectly exemplifies how He’s made me. The word in Hebrew is zakar (H2142) and part of its english definition is “to remember; by implication, to mention; (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, still, think on.” The role this word encompasses is a rememberer

I’d be remiss if I didn’t note zakar also means “male” but in this instance that is not the definition I’m focusing on, but rather around this concept of the “rememberer” because I believe we see in scripture that God Himself embodies this role. The verse that comes to mind is Jeremiah 1:12 (AMP)

Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am [actively] watching over My word to fulfill it.”

Though the word zakar isn’t in this passage, its inherent meaning is. A Rememberer isn’t simply one who documents so things can be recalled, but it is one who is active in the remembering of things – just as God “watches over His word to perform it.”

The context of this role in my life is that I am meticulous about documenting the prophetic words I’m given (which are extensive since Father speaks to me a lot through the silks and art birthed through Dyed4you Ministries) as well as many of the prayers/desires of my heart. Personally, I journal electronically both so I can link between connected words easily and so I can find things more quickly by doing a search. I also heavily rely on taxonomies (categories/tags) to help make things more browsable too. I cannot tell you the countless times Papa has brought me back and used the downloads documented there to encourage me and teach me how He works.

One of the things He has shown me over the years is that when we are intentional about remembering what He’s said, it brings Him GREAT pleasure to fulfill those things because we SEE it, take note of it, and give testimony to His faithfulness. 

He is always faithful – as Jeremiah 1:12 indicates, He is a zakar, remembering and actively watching to bring His word to pass – but I believe it brings Him an extra measure of pleasure when WE see it (and acknowledge it too).

I encourage you to keep a journal (if you don’t already). Document the things He shares. Document your requests of Him that you will NOTICE when He fulfills them. Be intentional about being a rememberer. I can tell you first hand that seeing His fingerprints so clearly on your life can only encourage you in your walk because even the harshest cynic has to concede that at some point it becomes more likely there is a God moving on our behalf than that “coincidences” are simply aligning in favor of the prayers and words we record. 🙂


2 Replies to “Zakar (Rememberer)”

  1. Yes, I see that quality of “rememberer” in you. I appreciate the application of becoming better rememberers and, in turn, celebrators when God comes through and reveals Himself as only He can again and again. I never thought how much He delights in our remembrances. What a world it would be if we all, okay, a quarter, of us lived to please God.

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