True Intimacy

This is an extension of my Drawing from the Source post. In addition to trying to get our “God fix” from godly people rather than the true Source, we often assume intimacies with those people that aren’t warranted and should likely be with God (or the people He has placed in our life).


A dear friend shared something with me that truly hit me at a deep level, in part due to its simplicity and in part due to the fact that it’s a point I think that gets lost. Intimacy can’t be forced. It isn’t intimacy if it is. It must be chosen. 

In Drawing from the Source I talk about being drawn to people, and often what happens is we try to foster intimacy with those people because we like them. This is great if it’s reciprocated, but when it isn’t we need to resist the urge to try to make it happen because again, intimacy can’t be forced, it must be chosen.

If you feel drawn to someone and it’s not developing, seek God and ask why. There may be a number of reasons why. Below I’ve listed a few of those reasons: 

  • Time – Logistically, there are only so many hours in the day. It may be that the person you are drawn to doesn’t have the ability to add another person. Choose not to be offended by that! Trust that God is sovereign, so if He wanted that relationship for you, He would make a way. If the other person is saying no, that is also God saying no. 
  • Timing – It may not be the right time for you to connect. The individual who is now one of my closest friends originally reached out to me during my dark period (Radio Silence). I was in such a quiet space I didn’t even have the emotional energy to respond and explain why, I had my ministry partner do that for me. If she had chosen to get offended or take that personally, she might have rejected me when I reached out years (literally) later, which began the friendship that blossomed into what we have now. And though part of me regrets the years we weren’t able to have the blessing that is our friendship, we both know Papa had His reasons for delaying the connection.
  • Idol – Sometimes we may not realize we’ve put someone on a pedestal or even inadvertently made an idol out of them. We may allow that person’s voice more weight than they should have (maybe even more than God). And so God blocks the relationship.
  • Someone else – Sometimes God has someone else in mind for us (like in my example in the video where I wanted relationship with one anointing oil ministry who was out of state and God was birthing a new one right here for me to get deep personal connection with).

Whatever the reason, trust that God is sovereign. Remember emunah, which is faith in Hebrew and speaks to the faith that God is sovereign and so we can trust regardless of circumstance because He is always working things for good – even when they don’t look good (think of how things looked when Lazarus was dead, but we know how that testimony turned out).

Intimacy is a good and beautiful thing in our godly relationships. It is a gift from God. As with everything else you’ve given to the Lord, hold those relationships with an open hand. Trust Him to give and take away in His timing for His reasons both of which are perfect. 🙂

On a silly side note, when I went to pull a picture for the featured image I discovered I was particularly emotive on today! LOL 🙂

4 Replies to “True Intimacy”

  1. Pingback: Drawing from the Source – MeghanW

  2. Pingback: Dealing with Other’s Expectations – MeghanW

  3. Pingback: Wisely Investing Your Emotional Resources (Matthew 10:14)  – MeghanW

  4. Pingback: Inexhaustible Compassion – Daily Downloads from Heaven

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