Burgeoning Fruit {poem}

Draw near to Me, beloved, as I draw near to you. Sense My presence closely, My heart is ever true.

I’m touching you through human hands, loving through human hearts. Receive and reciprocate, My love – yes now, beloved, it starts.

Like rain My love is falling – saturating, refreshing, and bringing life. And closer still you are drawing, now as husband and wife.

The sweetness of this union reflects in heart and soul. Oh the lives it touches, the hearts it’s making whole.

So come now and step closer, abiding long with Me. Grow now as you tarry, bearing fruit upon your tree.

Your love so sweet and fruitful, enriching all around. This is a strong foundation, you’re rooted in solid ground.

My glory being made manifest, as you yield your lives to Me. Reflect My heart to one another, true love and purity.

Proverbs 18:24 (TPT) Some friendships don’t last for long, but there is one loving friend who is joined to your heart closer than any other!

Some synonyms for “burgeoning” are flourishing and thriving.

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