Beautiful Heirs

As I was on a scavenger hunt with Papa God while working on a new silk letter, He highlighted Acts 3:25 (TPT) to me, which reads “And you are heirs of their prophecies and of the covenants God made with your fathers when he promised Abraham, ‘Your descendant will bring blessing to all the people on the earth.’” This is a promise we are well familiar with, but I sensed God was wanting to zero in on something more specific. 

God nudged me to look at the context. Let me sidebar for a moment to say that it is so easy to lose sight of context when we think we understand something. When we believe we already understand something, we often don’t take the time to understand it better or more fully. When studying scripture this is SO important because there are details and layers upon layer of meaning, so if we only look as far as what we already know (or only rely on others to give us fresh revelation) we are missing out on so much!

So when I pulled back to read the whole chapter, I saw that it was the story of John and Peter at the Beautiful Gate, where the crippled beggar sat who asked them for money and instead they healed him. And in verse 10 is says “…Astonishment swept over the crowd, for they were amazed over what had happened to him.”

In verses 12 and 13 Peter chastises them saying, “…Why are you so amazed by this healing? Why do you stare at us? We didn’t make this crippled man walk by our own power or authority. The God of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has done this…” And as part of this same stream of dialogue he reminds them in verse 25 “And you are heirs of their prophecies and of the covenants God made with your fathers…”

What God was highlighting to me in all this is the need to be expectant. Expectancy is actually a theme He’s been touching on in my weekly Lunchtime Lives on our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page the last couple weeks (the posts are YHVH Bore (the Lord your Creator) and My Power is Ready and Available). Part of the topic this week addressed how difficult it can be when it feels like our expectations aren’t met. But we must remember, that when a good parent promises their child that they are taking them to Disneyland, the child isn’t shocked when the parent follows through. Rather the child is expectant of the parent following through on the promise they made. 

In the same way, we need to be boldly confident in Papa God’s promises to us. Even in the long moments of waiting, or when He manifests the promise differently than what we may have expected. Ultimately, He IS faithful. The Word reminds us of this in Numbers 23:19 (KJV) “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?” We must believe that He is working the supernatural through our natural lives. Believe that we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Believe that He will never leave us or forsake us. Believe.

In this specific example, Papa is stirring up our faith for supernatural healing as part of our inheritance in Him. But that is only one of many gifts He has promised us. And yet, we would be remiss if we didn’t stop to intentionally come into alignment and agreement with this promise. So personally, I choose to receive. I choose to believe. I trust Him to manifest His promises not because of anything I do, but rather who I am to Him, and the fact that He is faithful to His word. And the same holds true for you.

Father, we thank You for choosing us. Thank You for Your promises and thank You for Your character which demonstrates that we are completely safe taking You at Your word. Be glorified in us as Your show Yourself faithful. Amen.

3 Replies to “Beautiful Heirs”

  1. Pingback: God is Faithful (Even When We Are Not) – MeghanW

  2. Pingback: Lunchtime Live: Expectancy and Understanding Who God Is – Dyed4you Ministries

  3. Pingback: Lunchtime Live: Expectancy and Understanding Who God Is – Dyed4you Ministries

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