Small Concessions

I had an interaction with someone recently that had me thinking about the enemy’s tactics.  You see this person asked me if I could do something (just for the record, nothing sinful!). It’s something I normally don’t do because God’s instructed me not to, but I still took it to the Lord in prayer as I typically do. He surprised me by saying yes.

So I told the person yes and then their request suddenly got bigger than it had been originally.  I conceded to it without much thought. And shortly thereafter the person returned to me and the request was larger still — in fact it was virtually identical to something I’d said no to to this individual only a couple months earlier!

I worked to put my flesh in check and took it again to the Lord and sought Godly counsel as well… both answers were the same: draw the line and say no.

As I considered this discourse it struck me how similarly the enemy works.  Rarely does he show us the full picture of his evil plot for us. He simply gets us to make one small concession at a time until we’re far off course.  It reminded me why it truly is VITAL to stop and inquire of the Lord to see what His will is so we can stay on course.

He also will pester us with the same requests over and over to wear down our resolve and get us to give in.  We must stand fast! And if we find that we’ve slipped, RUN to the Lord and seek His wisdom.

I challenge you to consider your own life and see if there are areas the enemy has worn you down and gotten you to make concessions you hadn’t intended to make.  I encourage you to seek the Lord on how to right those areas and align yourself with His perfect will.

Lord, give us eyes to see areas the enemy is trying to get us to compromise or areas where we already have.  Lord give us wisdom to see how to disentangle ourselves from situations we shouldn’t have been involved in. In Your mercy rescue us — snatch us from the net. We desire to be right with You.

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