No Fear (Psalm 53:5)

The Dyed4you prophetic team has been birthing a new silk called Fear Not. The Father’s put the silk strongly on my heart as a tangible reminder we are to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6). And this morning during my quiet time I read a verse in Psalms 53 (verse 5) that emphasized a particular facet so I thought I blog a bit on it 🙂

There they are, in terror and dread, where there was [and had been] no terror and dread! For God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you; you have put them to shame, because God has rejected them.

How often are we in fear when there is NO reason to fear?!

There’s a principle here I want to reiterate: If we are living for God – a life devoted to Him – nothing comes into our experience but by His hand. This means even the bad and unpleasant things are things He has allowed to happen (it doesn’t mean He causes them after all we live in a fallen world so Father doesn’t cause rape), and He will bring something good from it if we yield to Him as Romans 8:28 reminds us.

Sometimes He uses hardships to build character, sometimes to build amazing testimonies of redemption.  Our job is to trust Him and stand fast no matter the circumstances – praising Him – just as Job did refusing to curse God and die.

So again I ask how often are we in fear when there is NO reason to fear?  How often is our imagination running away with us over  situations that may not ever happen?  The end of verse 4 tells us the root for this problem: they do not call upon God.

In other words, when we aren’t calling upon Him, trusting Him, resting in Him – we open ourselves up to fear.  We need to remember as Joshua 1:9 (AMP) says, He is with us wherever we go!

Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

I suppose the point I’m making is regardless of whether there seems to be a reason to fear or not, we are NEVER to be in anxiety – so “reasonable” or not it all gets put on His shoulders to carry and we take on His burden, which is easy and light.

I encourage you to pause and consider areas you may be experiencing fear or anxiety, and instead call upon the Father who is with you always and lay those burdens down on Him.

Father, I ask that Your perfect love would overtake us and cast out any fear (1 John 4:18). Give us hearts to be anxious for nothing casting all our cares on you and through prayer and petitions with thanksgiving making our hearts known to You as we call upon You (Philippians 4:6, Psalm 53:4-5).

Father, please show us any roots of fear that the spirit of fear might have no foothold. For You have not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). May our hearts reflect faith and trust that You are with us and You are for us, and Your plans for us are good!

15 Replies to “No Fear (Psalm 53:5)”

  1. Praise God. Meghan,thank you for your words of encouragement and reminding us that our Father has everything under control and we should not be afraid of life. I’ve been afraid all my life, fearful, anxious and worry were a part of my daily life. II Timothy 1:7 has become my daily affirmation and I must say that using God’s word has helped me tremendously. I overcame my fear of learning to drive. I finally went and got my driver’s license. Yeah! lol And day by day I’m seeing God’s hand in my life delivering me from the spirit of fear. I can breathe easily now knowing that I don’t have to be afraid.

  2. thank you for this word. i have battled fear for most of my adult life.
    i tend to go in and out of levels of fear. it seems that i am finally gaining ground over this.
    it has come with much time in the Word and worship. i would love to get one of these silks.
    what oil were you thinking about? is there a new one?
    if not, i would like to use Peace Be Still, the one i made with carol for my bday.
    there are many ways to complete the acronym for F.E.A.R.
    False Evidence Appearing Real is one of the most common.
    Forget Everything And Run is often what we do, along with Frantic Efforts Avoiding Reality, Failure Expected And Received, and Finding Excuses And Reasons.
    Now i have chosen Face Everything And Recover, as well as Feeling Excited And Ready.
    Bottom line- fear is pride, elevating my thoughts and ways over the Lord. Yikes.
    Trusting in God’s Word is ever so much better, yes?
    love you much.

  3. Divine timing on this. Saw it on FB as I’m trying to pull myself together after momentarily freaking out about Jaron having to undergo general anesthesia and an endoscopy next month. Although we feel at peace about having the procedure done, I’m still having moments of fear over all the possible bad outcomes.

    I think I will be printing this out to reread often over the next couple of weeks!

    Thank you for writing this out 🙂

  4. @Donna – I’m using the new Be of Good Courage oil which specifically targets fear 🙂
    Love you MUCH!!!

    Oh and of course you’re welcome to order one of these new silks!

    @Heather – praying for you and Jaron… Father has you BOTH in His hands!!! Love you!

  5. Right on and timely as always Meghan. Just telling one of your friends this a few nights ago especially about Abba making good out of what the enemy means for evil. Indeed he has been trying to get me there too with the many things coming against me but this goes for all of God’s children not just one of us. Thank you as always. What does this silk look like? Blessings

  6. Some time ago, I had a dream where I was battling with the spirit of fear. I remember that thing very clearly. Today, I’m still fighting that battle. But, someone recently brought to my memory something about trust; and that is that trust, comes from reading the Word of G-d. I’m the first one to admit I’m currently not studying the Word as I should but, I know each of us has an area where we could trust the Lord more. If we looked for the Scriptures that deal with what is causing anxiety in our lives, and make them ours, we would certainly overcome any kind of fear (Hehe… I’m preaching to myself also). Thank you Meghan for this, and thank you Heavenly Father. :]

  7. Thank you for sharing with us Meghan! And to me, this is the sum and action of your post…

    Isaiah 35:4 Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.”

    I love how so many times the Lord tells us not to fear, not to be afraid….to me this is His way of letting me know, ‘Hey kid, I know you will be afraid at times, but remember Me and My word.’

  8. Hi, Meghan, I was blessed by your post today. I always enjoy your thought provoking posts. You created a scarf for me years ago you named “Beautiful” It was one you created especially for me and I treasure it so much.
    Just wanted to leave you a comment and let you know you have blessed me. I have recently resurrected my devotional blog because I believe God wants me to write and I have linked your blog to mine.
    Have a blessed day!

  9. Again, very timely for me. There are times I feel the anxiety and uncertain ness try to rise up. I have found myself just calling out to Yahweh to save me from those icky feelings and He has. Thank you again for posting.

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  11. And in Zechariah: “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.”

    How can we not fear…we have human emotions and let us not get too discourage when they surface. Just recognize them and let them float away like Meghan’s the scarf fluidity moves through the air, hanging on to nothing…simply being free in the moment worshipping the Lord.

    Obeying God in all our lives proves that we trust in His program to the point of allowing Him to shape our life all around us and it requires the kind of faith that we need for genuine spirituality and successful recovery from the the god of this world and all he has done to us. The hater.

    Let us also pray for righteous discernment. We must be able to discern when fear is a true warning signal that danger is about and to take heed; while on the other hand, we need to know when the fear is a stronghold and coming from the adversary. Then we need to examine our hearts and ask God for forgiveness and pray and ask for prayer.

    Peace and love to all,

    Suttie, your sister in the Blood

  12. I am so glad that I am not alone in this. I have always been anxious and fearful at a very young age and it has really ‘picked up’ in my adult life. It is so difficult to release things in the seen to the unseen…the known and the unknown. Ann Voskamp author of One Thousand Gifts has a whole chapter dedicated to this…Holy Trusting. I have always doubted and hesitated in all of my situations. I am really wanting to be able to truly release all of these thoughts, fears and feelings and “know” that God almighty will take care of them as well as me.

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