Creator’s love

Much more at peace this morning despite the strange dream last night… but on the way in to work still reflecting on how extraordinary this love is I have for my man.

Then suddenly it hit me… …as much as I love him (which is A LOT), God loves His creation so much more.  He is wild about His children.  I thought of my heartbreak during these few days of separation from my husband and realized it was nothing in comparison to what the Lord will feel being eternally separated from His beloved children.

It broke my heart and I couldn’t help but cry…

Lord, help me bring as many of Your children home to You as possible.  I know how much I hurt and I cannot imagine how much You must… I love You Lord… thank You for bringing perspective in this moment….

One Reply to “Creator’s love”

  1. That is beautiful. What a great representation of His love, shown in your very own life. Meg, you truly have such a beautiful heart. I’m thrilled that God is showing you so much through this time. On the phone with you last night, I kept thinking how much God must cry over us. How deeply His heart must ache for us to love Him with a passion even similar to the passion he shows in His love for us.

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