I realize that many people struggle with insecurity at varying levels, but honestly if you asked me a month ago if I struggled with it, I would probably have told you not really. That was until God had me start Continue reading Insecurity
I realize that many people struggle with insecurity at varying levels, but honestly if you asked me a month ago if I struggled with it, I would probably have told you not really. That was until God had me start Continue reading Insecurity
The Lord started dealing with me a while back about switching from Meg (my nickname) back to Meghan (my full name). I wavered a bit initially because it didn’t seem worth the hassle. I knew that Meghan meant “great mighty Continue reading Meghan vs Meg: What’s in a name?
On Sunday, God gave me a word at church through one of His faithful. Tonight as I asked Him in my heart where I should read, I felt Him prompting me to the verses the word referenced… the woman with Continue reading Lavished Love (Luke 7:37-48)
Let me start by saying thank You, God, that this was not another correction! I appreciate the chastening of the Lord, but lately there’s been a lot of it. So when I sat down this morning and asked what verse Continue reading Jeremiah 29:11 – Version Comparison
You amaze me. Last night I giggled while I asked You what Your favorite thing about me is… But without hesitation You said, “Your laugh.”
People like to say that everyone is special to God. And I believe there is truth in that. However, when watching The Incredibles the son had a line that gave me pause to think, “Saying that everyone is special is Continue reading Being Special
Random nuggets from my beautiful drive with Sheila 🙂
Just finished listening to a message from March 2008 by Bill Johnson out of Bethel. Very good stuff. Some key points I wanted to jot down to remember… The enemy always tempts us in one of two areas: What God Continue reading Hearing His Voice
38Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. 39And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard Continue reading More like Mary (and less like Martha) Luke 10
An example: Suzie doesn’t believe her co-workers like her, so she avoids them and sticks to herself. Her co-workers think she’s conceited, so they don’t like her much, so they don’t talk to her and don’t invite her to join Continue reading Taking thoughts captive (Ungodly Beliefs)