Return (Luke 8:39)

I don’t remember the first person I heard talking about the fact that the Lord likes to send us back to where He’s taken us out from so we can testify of Him.  I remembered not liking that idea.  I remember thinking, “I don’t want to go back!”  But the thing is – does He want to send me?

And in short, yes.  He does.

Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him. Luke 8:39

Forget the fact that my old places give me the willies and remind me of  heartbreaking defeats… it is NOT about me.  It’s about Him and what He has done in me.

So, I am to return to where I’ve come from and shout from the rooftops what He has done in me and for me.  Unafraid of their responses.  Unafraid of their approval or lack thereof. Unafraid.  Eyes set on Him.  Unwavering.

Lord, increase my boldness and the power of my testimony of Your faithfulness.  Give me discernment and wisdom.  Help me to return and bring You honor and glory!

2 Replies to “Return (Luke 8:39)”

  1. Of course He’d want to take you back – Meghan, you have an amazing testimony. You break through walls so quickly simply by living a story that God has written. He’ll use you for great things, because He has given you a great story. I’m blessed to be a part of your life.

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