James 3 – 5

Prayer time with Allen in Mascoutah out of James 3-5. Prayer points:

  • Taming of our tongues, the tongues of our children, and of the body
  • That we would speak blessing and flow sweet water
  • That we would have the wisdom from above that is pure and peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, merciful, full of good fruits, without partiality and hypocrisy, the fruit of righteousness sown in peace
  • That we would not have not because we asked not or asked amiss
  • That we would ask boldly and expectantly and that our hearts would align with His
  • That we would not be friends of the world and be in enmity with God, but that we would love God alone.
  • That we would be humble
  • That we would not speak evil of our brethren
  • That we would not make plans outside of God, but rather say ‘if the Lord will’
  • That we would be generous
  • That we would be patient
  • That we would not complain
  • That we would pray prayers of faith
  • That we would be transparent and confess our sins to one another
  • That we would pray earnestly

Lord, teach us how to pray earnestly and effectively. Show us how to let You move through us and through our mouths. Show us how to have deep, intimate relationships with You. I want to know You more.

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