Being Special

People like to say that everyone is special to God.  And I believe there is truth in that.  However, when watching The Incredibles the son had a line that gave me pause to think, “Saying that everyone is special is just another way of saying no one is.”

It gave me real pause to think!  When I look at the Word, I see that God LOVES us all – and in that sense we are special, but the reality is there were people He selected out of the everybody… and by my definition those people were “special”.

For example, Noah in Genesis 6-7 is selected from every single person on the earth to be kept alive.  Do you think he wasn’t special?  God even saved his family on account of him!

So really we need to be considering what makes the special ones special.  Did God make them different?  Is He showing favoritism?  I don’t think so.  Noah was selected because he was righteous.  I think God chooses based on character, our willingness to submit to Him, your relationship with Him and things like that.

So I guess if you are not feeling “special” – it might behoove you to pause and reflect on your own situation.  Where are you in your walk with the Lord?  Are you relentlessly pursuing holiness?  Are you a person of integrity and high moral character?  Do you submit to the will of the Lord and welcome His chastening?

You see I think most people don’t want to pay the cost of what it takes to be special.  It means dying to your flesh and surrendering to God which requires complete trust and faith.  It’s not easy, but it is VERY worth it.

One Reply to “Being Special”

  1. This blog makes me happy. It’s a precious insight, but I also just like how you wrote it. I have come back and read it at least 10 times…

    I love you Mama… and you are definitely very special. 🙂

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