What Entertains Us – What’s Next

So I’ve been chewing on my What Entertains Us entry for over a week now.  I realize that there’s no way I can ignore what I now know.  Action must be taken, but I don’t really know what that is.  I mean the first thing I did was start looking up a couple of my favorite movies to see whether or not the folks who kiss were married when the movie was shot!

If I’m honest – and bare in mind I am talking about what He is saying to me, so as for you, you will have to hear His direction for yourself – my general sense is He’s moving me towards dramatically reduced if not eliminated movies and perhaps TV.

As I’ve realized that that is what I believe He’s saying to me, I’ve noticed something – I really don’t like that.  I don’t want Him to do that.  So I started pondering what the hesitation is if that’s where He’s heading me.  And I’ve realized that I have bought into some beliefs that are probably not actually true.

I think I believe:

  • That God cannot provide me with rest that’s as relaxing as watching a movie
  • My time with God will not be nearly as interesting as watching a good movie
  • He’s not as fun

When I stop and actually consider those thoughts I realize the level of absurdity.  I’m saying that:

  • Hollywood is going to do a better job giving me rest than Jehovah- Shalom (God my Peace)?
  • And Hollywood is more engaging and interesting than Jehovah-Bore (God Creator)?
  • And that somehow Hollywood is going to best know how to fulfill my enjoyment as opposed to the One who made me and knows exactly how I am wired?!

When I think of it like this, I know something here is amiss!  See here’s the thing, it’s like the world has given us mud to drink in the sense that we have this constant flow of ungodliness rushing at us through the media.  For people (like me), who have tried to clean it up and who meticulously monitor what they watch, it’s like we’re now drinking kinda yellow-ie water, which although more pure than mud, is far from pure!

So it’s like I sense God saying “I have the pure flow of refreshing, come a drink of Me!  Set aside all that is impure and drink deeply of what is pure…” and let’s face it, for anyone who has had good water who has also sampled some nasty stuff from dirty pipes – we KNOW there is no contest!  But as long as we don’t know what we’re missing, we live in ignorance.

This is where we get back to the Permissible vs. Beneficial.  Where do you want to live your life?  By what’s “allowed” or by what’s “best”?  I don’t know about you, but I want the best.  And although I may not totally know what the pure stuff is, I’m going to trust it’s better.  I’m going to lay down the distraction and press in for what’s best.

Even when we look at the time factor – 2 hours for a movie… how many of us can say we sit and give God our undivided attention for 2 hours on a regular basis?  What would the fruit of doing so look like?  I tell you what, if my husband regularly sat down and said, “Meghan, tell me about what’s on your heart right now – I’ve set aside a couple hours for us to talk so share it all with me.”  I guarantee that would impact our intimacy levels!  LOL!  And I’m sure the same holds true with God.

Personally, I am on a TV/Movie fast (just finished day 4) – I need to hear His voice on what is next – without distractions – and decided this was a logical place to start.  I have found already that I am completely prone to distractions even without TV/movies and have asked God to help me get this in check so I can give Him the undivided attention He deserves.

Lord, I repent for my ridiculous notions that anything is better than You.  You are the King of Glory – nothing even compares to You.  Forgive me for being so deceived and ignorant.  Lord, I ask that You open my eyes to what exactly You are asking me to do.  Lord, You know even now the hesitation in my heart yet I want to be obedient to Your desires and trust that You know what’s best even when I don’t get it.  I want to be holy as You are holy.  I want to walk in the fullness of all You’ve called me to and not miss a thing as I am distracted by needless things.  God I trust You.  I trust Your choices for my life… my life that I’ve given to You.  Teach me Lord how to walk in a manner pleasing to You.

4 Replies to “What Entertains Us – What’s Next”

  1. It’s all good stuff… so much junk gets in our lives by what we choose to occupy our time with. Trusting with you, that his choices for what we allow in and what we block are good choices for us.

  2. Wow! I LOVE both of these posts about entertainment, and could not agree with you more. I am cautious about what I watch, and try not to watch very many movies or TV, so I have considered myself quite “holy” compared to most…. but WOW, I was just knocked off my pedestal (and I thank you for sharing this). So true about the real life adultery. It’s sad we are entertained by such things. Amen! Thank you.

  3. Pingback: Hate (Proverbs 8:13) | Meghan W

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