Day 37 – TV/Movie Fast

The last few days I have been spending some time thinking about how incredibly easy this TV/Movie fast has been!  When I started it (What Entertains Us – What’s Next) – well first off I thought it was going to be a week – but God say until December 23rd and I thought it would be torturous!  But honestly, it really hasn’t.  There have been a few moments where I’ve thought “oh I wish I could go chill and watch a movie” – but it really has been only 3 or 4 times and it’s been over a month.  That surprises me!

Now, I wish I could tell you that all my time formerly spent on such activity is now being fully devoted to the Lord, but that wouldn’t be true.  Some of it for sure has gone to time alone with Him, more has gone to ministering to others, and some has also gone to online activities like Facebook.

I will say that I don’t really feel like I am missing much.  Which makes me realize that if He asks me to do this indefinitely it’s definitely possible… although I hope He doesn’t… I do enjoy a good flick now and again!  Plus, I want to support films like Fireproof 🙂

We shall see.

That’s it for now… no grand thoughts… only a few random ones!

4 Replies to “Day 37 – TV/Movie Fast”

  1. I’m happy for you Meghan.
    I’ve been watching TWO HOURS of TV A NIGHT from just lying around with the flu (definitely a bad example for my whole family who were right there with me)!!! I hope I can go back to one movie a week!!! I really did get a lot more done. The other thing I had cut back on was computer time…I don’t think I told you that.
    I go on the computer every morning now just to check the weather and news. I’m trying to blog less than two times a week (I didn’t do it at all this past week: DUH!) as I’ve discovered it can become another distraction for me. I find myself hearing from God more when I shut out other voices. Also, I hated my new rep. “Mom is always on the computer”: SAY WHAT???

  2. I love that you are doing this, and proving it can be done. I see a difference in you from the beginning, too. You are spending your time in new ways. Like reading a book… thanks for making a memory for me like that. This is good stuff, and I can’t wait to see what he teaches you, in fullness, through the entire fast.

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