
Today for the first day in what feels like forever I had a moment to just get quiet alone with God.  Something about being completely alone wrapped in silence (particularly in a hot bath!) that make Him feel so close.  Amazing how many different ways there are to experience His presence… each one different… but I digress.

So I was sitting pondering the amount of stretching Allen and I are experiencing right now… and it is in all areas of our life.  We are being tested and tried.  And honestly, it’s rather painful sometimes.  Sometimes it feels like we may snap.  As Allen and I spoke earlier this evening the picture that came to mind was that of a rack. It just feels like we are being pulled in every direction.

And I had this thought… not a new one per say but I saw it with new eyes… what exactly are we being prepared for?  God doesn’t just stretch and try and test for no reason… He does it with a purpose.  Whatever it is – it feels big.

And the thing is a LOT of people we know are in the same position… many are being stretched… many are being prepared.  Then after pondering all these thoughts, I came upstairs and found a blog posted by my friend Jess (our pastor’s wife) called Heavy Things – she was chewing on some weighty topics of the season we seem to be on the brink of…

I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the answer to my initial question… what exactly are we being prepared for… Initially, I’d planned to talk to God about what I’m to do when I reach the end of the TV/Movie fast next week… suddenly that felt very insignificant.

Lord, I thank You that I don’t have to fear – nor do any who trust in You and walk with You.  Prepare us God for what is ahead – I know You are but I just say again that I am willing… do what You will.  I trust You.

3 Replies to “Stretching”

  1. The stretching is happening in lots of peoples lives… I’m glad if we have to go through it, we know we have a faithful God who won’t stretch us further than we can take, and that he gives us people to walk it out with. He’s making you stronger, just like stretching muscles makes them stronger. It’s good, even if it is uncomfortable. We know that… 🙂

  2. We had a year of stretching last year, but I lived in fear of what the “next” thing would be. It was such a difficult season with what we were dealing with I thought sure God was preparing me for something much harder. If he is…we are experiencing a repreave and I am not as scared. I look back and realize that I became a really strong person, but sometimes I would rather be weaker and have back the things I had to sacrifice (time with family due to illness and a child). But, it is all to God’s glory and without those sacrifices I wouldn’t be the women I am today and I am thankful.

  3. All I could think was “hmm”, when I read that, at first. I read the “Heavy Things” and paired with this I was very excited. God IS doing something, but when a multitude of His children begin to “realize” it, it’s exciting. “Watch”. I keep hearing and feeling that and when nothing happens I grow impatient. Then comes the trials…they tend to keep me in a place where I HAVE to watch. Then I can say, “Ah”, God is moving by His Spirit in ALL the earth.
    Also, thanks for the writings on Israel. I just got some stuff from Voices of the Martyrs to help me understand that more. It excites me! I thank God, because the last days should not be a time of fear for believers but joyful freedom to expand the Kingdom.
    I better sign off…I’m writing like I’m talking.

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