
Three years ago on New Years Eve, a dear friend Vito did a double take and looked at Allen and I and said “I have a word for you and it’s one word, sacrifice. Count on it!”

I remember being pretty unhappy with that word, but knowing the level of prophetic gifting Vito operated in, I knew it would be unwise to ignore. And, if I were really honest, I knew in my heart it was true. I totally bore witness to it despite not liking it.

The thing is we think of sacrifice as a bad thing. Especially as spoiled Americans. Merriam-Webster defines the word in 3 way pertinent to this topic:

  1. An offering to a deity in thanksgiving, atonement, or conciliation (establishing harmony or goodwill)
  2. To willingly offer something up for the benefit of something or someone else; in some cases for a greater good
  3. A loss or deprivation (something removed or taken)

So is sacrifice a bad thing? Not really. Some of it depends on attitude. Sacrifice (in the first two definitions) is a choice. A choice to go against our selfish nature and pour out to God and to man. A tangible form of love. Which makes sense because we are called to love God and to love man.

However sacrifice according to the third definition is a loss. Something TAKEN away rather than something GIVEN. For example, parents can choose to lay down their comforts and freedom, their finances, and their time. They can do it for a greater good. The gift God has given them in their children. OR they can resent their children for their loss of comfort and freedom, the investment of time and resources. It’s all a choice of perspective. I know I’ve met people of both kind and some in between.

As for us? Fast forward 3 years to today and I do see a lot of sacrifices that we’ve made. Monetary sacrifices to see the kingdom of God furthered. Sacrifices of time to do outreach, to mentor and encourage others. Sacrifices of comfort as we share what we’ve been blessed with with others. But the fact of the matter is, it doesn’t really feel like sacrifices. It is a blessing to pour out in a manner pleasing to our King. So as for us… sacrifice? Yes, we can count on it. There is a cost. But it is well worth it! Well worth it. Makes me think of Jason Upton‘s lyrics…

“This is no sacrifice, here’s my life.”

As living sacrifices (Romans 12:1), it is our honor to pour out all the little sacrifices associated with that. May it be sweet incense unto the Lord!

Sent from my iPod

4 Replies to “Sacrifice”

  1. Yep, score another good one for Meghan!!

    This isn’t intended to sound boastful or anything of the sort, but at times I find it much easier to sacrifice my money than my time. So, if it’s easy, is it sacrifice? Probably not. Something I need to think about! Thank you, friend, for the nudge!!

  2. I know your heart is sweet to Him. Thank you for sacrificing… it made a huge difference in my life, and I know He is pleased with you for that and for all of the other sacrifices you continually make.

  3. It’s very obvious that you are completely abandoned to God. I struggle when I think of His mercy, but His mercy is what should compel me to sacrifice to a deeper level. That is where my heart is…for the rest of my life.

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