Knowing God

I’m reading Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy and a quote stopped me in my tracks.

“The intellect knoweth that it is ignorant of Thee because it knoweth Thou canst not be known, unless the unknown could be known, and the invisible beheld, and the inaccessible attained.”  Nicholas of Cusa, The Vision of God, 1928

None of us will ever fully know Him. To believe even for a moment we do is complete arrogance. He is beyond our understanding. This is why our life’s pursuit can be to know Him more because no matter how much time we spend pursuing Him, there is always more to know.


Lord, help me to know You more. I want to spend my life pursuing You. You are worth the pursuit. I ask for greater revelation of who You are. Increase my understanding. I know that my heart doesn’t fear You like it should and I think it’s because I lack understanding of who You truly are. So I ask for Your help in getting a fuller revelation of who You are… I want to be ever “increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col 1:10).

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2 Replies to “Knowing God”

  1. This is an awesome thought… we’ll never know him fully so the search can last a lifetime. Follow that with the fact that we are fully and completely known by him, and you can’t help but want to know him more. If he knows us so fully, and loves us so completely… he is definitely worth knowing more. I want to be like him. I have to know more about him.

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