
Tonight when I got home my dog (Sketch) followed me upstairs to my office – it’s not something he normally does. He lay quietly waiting as I worked on the computer for several hours.

I was completely engrossed in my work, and I suddenly felt him giving me gentle puppy kisses on my ankle (something else he’s not prone to do). He wasn’t demanding my attention, more like saying, “in case you forgot, I’m here… and I really love you.” His offering of affection so warmed my heart.

I suddenly realized how close I felt to my four-legged friend. We hadn’t done anything major at all, just spend time in the same space and he poured out his affections on me. What was my response? To pour out my affections on him of course! And as I did, God began to show me the parallel in my relationship with him.

Too often when we’re spending time together I get antsy and give up if something doesn’t “happen” in a “reasonable” time period. In doing so I miss my opportunity for closeness. Or I may be tempted to skip my time with Him if I feel like nothings going to “happen”.

The thing is He’s worth my time even if I don’t “feel” like He’s paying attention to me or the things I’d like Him to be – He’s in charge not me (a point I supposedly reconciled myself to when I gave my life to Him, but like to many I still struggle with it because it’s always a temptation to be in control).

He also is worth whatever offerings I can bring. Just like Sketch’s puppy kisses to my ankle, I can spend time lavishing my verbal kisses on the Lord and bless His heart just as Sketch blessed mine.

If I do this… I’ll experience the closeness with the Lord that comes from just spending time together. And I’ll feel His love even as I pour mine out on Him. I encourage you to do the same 🙂

2 Replies to “Closeness”

  1. Pingback: In Your Presence – Meghan W

  2. Pingback: Believe in Me – Daily Downloads from Heaven

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