Whining and Complaining (Phil 2:14)

God loves to use my dog, Sketch, as an object lesson to show me how things we do effect Him. Today is one such example. While I was in the middle of something, Sketch informed me he wanted to go out.

I say “wanted” because I know the difference between his “want” and “need” in this area — I’m very mindful of his tells and aware of his needs.

In any case, I was in the middle of something timely and wanted to finish before I took him outside. I told him to “down”, which he knows means I want him to wait. He lay back down and grunted giving me a look.

Then he lay staring at me. I wondered aloud what he was thinking. Did he think I was unaware of his request? Unsympathetic to it perhaps? Yet my constant prompt attention to all his needs gave him plenty of reason to wait quietly knowing I’d take care of him as I always do.

But that’s not what he did. He started to do this pathetic sounding whine under his breath — not too loudly, but in the silence of the house it was very audible. It was clear he was not in agreement with my decision to have him wait and he wanted to make sure I knew.

Suddenly, I realized that is how God must feel. He is so good to us, highly attentive to our needs, and yet we whine and complain and grumble — questioning His reasoning and motives — as we wait on our outstanding requests as if He is somehow unaware of them or unsympathetic to them.

Philippians 2:14 makes it clear to us this is uncalled for (here’s several translations):

  • Do everything without complaining or arguing NIV
  • Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves] AMP
  • Do all things without murmurings and disputings KJV

Experiencing from the other perspective how needless and almost insulting the behavior was made me cringe as I wondered how many times I’d questioned and whined at God over His judgment calls.

It stretches us to wait.  And yet the end of Isaiah 49:23 states, “For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.”  Clearly, waiting on God is a GOOD thing to do!

Lord I pray that we would become better at waiting on you. That we wouldn’t whine, complain or question your decisions. You have more than proven Yourself completely trustworthy, so we release our will to Yours and our imperfect judgment to Your perfect judgment. Your will be done.

One Reply to “Whining and Complaining (Phil 2:14)”

  1. I love this story. It made me think about my own life.
    I have been married for 15 years and when I married my husband I just assumed because I was a Christian he would become one too. Well it didn’t happen that way. I have gone in and out of the church because I got tired of wait for God to do something. I have steadily increased and pressed into God over the course of the last 6 or 7 years and found that God is with me. I vowed to stay steadfast with God and agree to wait for his timing for my husband to become saved and on fire. However I do that same thing as the dog…I may be laying down waiting but I’m whining and complaining the whole time. Whining and complaining at both God and my Husband. I know God knows how I’m feeling and wanting so badly for my husband to be on fire for him. God knows my cries. I CAN WAIT FOR GOD’S TIMING. I do come into agreement wholeheartedly with your prayer Meghan.

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