El Roi [the God Who Sees]

Since I got a strong word of exhortation on Friday, the Father has had me pondering one of His names: El Roi, which means the God Who Sees.  This comes from Genesis 16:13 where Hagar has run away from Sarai for being cruel (which you may remember I blogged on about this time last year). The Lord gives Hagar a word and part of her response is:

Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God who sees”…

Anyhow, so I have been pondering His name – El Roi – and what that means. I think too often we think of God as being far away or too busy to be paying close attention to what we’re doing.  As if He is somehow unaware unless we are praying or doing something else to call His attention to us. Or sometimes we personally get so busy we simply forget He is there, always with us, always seeing.

Young people have a tendency to behave differently around their friends then they do around their parents. In the same way, when we forget He sees – we have a tendency to allow ourselves to slip in areas we shouldn’t.  How many have indulged in an angry or frustrated look or word to a spouse?  Or listened to gossip because it was less uncomfortable than correcting the person gossiping? Or said something that wasn’t entirely true because we didn’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? Or indulged in that extra portion of food simply because our mouth wanted the taste of it?

In those moments, if we remembered that He is El Roi would we behave differently?  If we truly desire to be God-pleasers instead of man-pleasers or self-indulgers would we choose differently?  I know I would like to believe I would! And for as much as I strive to please the Father in my life, I cannot honestly say I live each moment as though He were standing there with me… which by the way He is 🙂

So I challenge you today – even as I challenge myself – let us remember He is El Roi.  Let us remember He sees and He is with us.  Let us consciously choose to act in a way that would please Him in every moment.  Let us hover in that place of intimacy so close to Him we never allow ourselves to be distracted from knowing He is there.

Below is a video a Dyed4you customer shared (the whole story is here) and the song is from Bethel Music’s Loft Sessions and is called You Know Me by Steffany Frizzell and William Matthews. The Lyrics (which have been speaking to me and you’ll see why) are:

You have been and You will be
You have seen and You will see

You know when I rise and when I fall
When I come or go You see it all
You hung the stars and you move the sea, and still You know me

Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh You know me (repeat)

Nothing is hidden from Your sight Wherever I go, You find me
You know every detail of my life You are God and You
don’t miss a thing

You memorize me

Yahweh, help us to be aware of Your constant presence. Help us to feel Your intense and loving gaze upon us at each moment.  May our lives reflect what pleases You and may our actions align with Your will.

4 Replies to “El Roi [the God Who Sees]”

  1. It’s funny, I was just talking with a friend this evening about the impact we have on people that we don’t even realize. The smallest expression can become a phrase that gets them through hard times for years…or you sharing your struggles can bless them so much that they turn around & bless you, and you didn’t even know they caught onto anything you had said. Truly, He is the God who sees…ALL the time…and there are people who see, too, when we don’t know anybody is watching/listening/paying attention. We really must be careful to act in a way pleasing to the Father at all times. Thanks for the exortation.

  2. Pingback: Lunchtime Live: He Sees – Dyed4you Ministries

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