Silk: A Place of Closeness

The name of your silk is a Place of Closeness. The colors in it are:

  • Bright green representing new life and flourishing
  • Amethyst representing merry heart
  • Sky blue representing revelation knowledge
  • Plum representing abundance
  • Electric blue representing intense feeling
  • Gold shimmer representing divine light 

The scriptures that go with this silk are:

  • Psalm 33:18 (TPT) The eyes of the Lord are upon Even the weakest worshippers who love Him. Those who wait in hope and expectation For the strong, steady love of God.
  • Psalm 33:20-22 (TPT) The Lord alone is our radiant hope And we trust in Him with all our hearts. His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy, Flowing from Yahweh! So let Your love and steadfast kindness Overshadow us continually, For we trust and we wait upon You!
  • Psalm 51:11 (GW) Do not force me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
  • Amos 3:7 (AMP) Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets.

The words ‘His secret’ in Amos 3:7 are the Hebrew word cowd (H5475). Here’s what the concordance said about this word:

Outline of Biblical Usage:
* council, counsel, assembly; council (of familiar conversation)
* divan, circle (of familiar friends)
* assembly, company
* counsel; counsel (itself); secret counsel
* familiar converse, intimacy (with God)

Gesenius’s Lexicon:
* couch, cushion – on which persons recline; a sitting together, an assembly either of friends familiarly conversing or judges conversing together
* deliberation, counsel
* familiar conversation
* a secret, to reveal a secret

Picture sitting around on a couch having coffee with the Lord – intimate, sweet conversation – sharing the depths of each of your hearts. This level of intimacy is what He has for you in the place of worship. As you dance, flag, and pour out before Him, He opens the heavens above you – brilliant blues sweep the atmosphere above you and radiant divine light cascades down on you – as you twirl and spread wide your arms in a holy embrace – unrestrained, unashamed worship – with the Lover of your soul.

This place of intimacy is both broad and close. Broad because it is holding the fullness of His presence and majesty and mysteries. Close because although He is great, He is near to you, hovering over you like a lover – tender and intimate – His hand gently touching your face as He smiles sweetly at you, His beloved. The sweet nothings you whisper to one another are the secrets and mysteries on your hearts. A place of closeness.

Rick Pino’s “My Romance” are connected to this. This song is a love song to the Lord. It declares how all creation seeks to blossom under His gaze – glorify Him – and of the romance between us. We lavish Him with our love and our praise, and He soaks us in His presence. May we truly know the wonders of His peace and love.

A Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Dance of Sweet Intimacy.”

Psalm 63:4 (TPT) Daily I will worship you passionately and with all my heart. My arms will wave to you like banners of praise.

Beloved, lift up your arms as banners of praise. Give a wave offering unto Me. Hold nothing back. Pour yourself out like a drink offering – precious and sweet – before My throne of grace, holy unto Me. 

Press in, beloved. Come in closer. There is more for you here. So much more of Me for you to know. This is the dance of sweet intimacy as I draw you forever nearer. Come deeper into My heart, beloved, for it is ever true. 

A portion of an article from Enliven Publishing called “A Prophetic Vision: God’s Call to Intimacy with Him” is connected to this. This article is an encouragement to all to embrace intimacy with God – a “return to intimacy.” It exhorts us to make time, and reminds us of the blessing that comes from closeness with Him.

Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Deeper Still.”

2 Timothy 3:16 (TPT) Every Scripture has been written by the Holy Spirit, the breath of God. It will empower you by its instruction and correction, giving you the strength to take the right direction and lead you deeper into the path of godliness.

Beloved, My Word is living and active – infused with the breath of My Spirit. It is invaluable for gaining wisdom and direction. It instructs and chastens. It comforts and encourages. It speaks to your heart. Receive the light it brings, for that light is Me. 

Come deeper, beloved. I stand beckoning you – inviting you closer still. There is more – always more – to be had in Me. Behold, I AM Galah Raz, the Revealer of Mysteries – the All-Knowing One. You cannot plumb My depths, but My Word invites you to try. Come deeper still, beloved. Deeper still.

A final Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Be Filled with Wonder.”

Psalm 26:7 (VOICE) From my soul, I will join the songs of thanksgiving; I will sing and proclaim Your wonder and mystery.

Beloved, come to Me like a child – wide eyed and filled with wonder. Ask Me a million questions – you will never wear Me out. I delight in you, and I have wired your curiosity, so resist the urge to be “adult” and tamp it down. Let your exuberance burst forth. Hold nothing back. 

Be wide-eyed and mystified as you relentlessly pursue deeper understanding. Be dogged in your quest for truth. The things of Me are worth the effort, and the intimacy gained in your treasure hunt is prize enough alone. Be swept away in the mystery of Me.

A testimony called “Abandoned to His Love” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.

I believe the most powerful place of encounter we can have with God is to totally abandon all of ourselves to His jealous love. This is often difficult because it requires us to first come into a deep place of vulnerability with Him. In this world, it isn’t really acceptable to be “needy.” When we face unmet needs, we learn to say, “Well, I don’t really need that” in order to cope with the void we feel. But this is not the truth and it is not the order of things. We were made to love and to be loved, to need others and to be needed.

God desires that we would repent of this attitude, this hardness of heart. He desires that we would recognize our total need of Him and that our desires aren’t a bad or shameful thing. For His deep desire is to fulfill our needs! Like a true Bridegroom He desires to be our provider, our hero, our knight in shining armor. He desires that we would completely surrender to His love and stop trying to go obtain what we need in our own strength. 

This is the “be still and just let Me love you” level. This level of abandon and intimacy is our “Most Holy Place” and it is His. It is the place where we give God permission to touch the hard places of our heart, the deep wounds and bitterness that have come through unmet needs. His fire cleanses out the bad and exposes the truth of those needs. And we find joy in the fact that He wants to lavish us with His love!

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Hidden Mysteries, which is used as an agreement for our hearts to align with His for the treasures and secret things He longs to share.  The verse that goes with this oil is from Isaiah 45:3 AMP, “And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, Who calls you by your name.”

The deeper meaning of this oil reads, “Unearthed. Unveiled. Revealed. Deep calling unto deep. Revealed mysteries. Revealed hidden treasures. He longs to share His wellspring with us!  As we abide with Him and align our hearts with His, He lavishes us with His secret trove.”

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: this word has been updated since it was originally posted. When God first started birthing words in His quiet time with me (God Speaking Through Silk), it was before He’d begun downloading the Prophetic Nuggets each day. During that time He would highlight words from other ministries to me and then show prophetic connections, all of which was shared in the letters. Over time as He began downloading more prophetic words through the Dyed4you ministry team, we began referencing other words without quoting them in their entirety. Instead, we’d summarize and sometimes share the connection we were sensing and would reference where to find the original. We did this for a variety of reasons including helping cultivate followers for the other ministries rather than simply quoting them, and also to give our Dyed4you customers a place to start as we encouraged them to dig into God’s mysteries themselves. This word has been updated to follow the new format.

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