God Speaking Through Silk

God started talking to me through silk back when I started dyeing in 2006. We’ve had some amazing testimonies over the years, and from the beginning I would allow prophetic intercessor friends to contribute to the letters (silk letters/prophetic words) that go with the silks, but it wasn’t until February 2012 that we created the Dyed4you prophetic team that was comprised of a group of awesome folks who worked together to birth the letters, and that’s when the meat of the letters really took off. 

I share more about the Spirit-led dyeing process on my site, but the short version is that letters can be comprised of any of the following:

  • Silk name
  • Colors meanings (which we keep a list of on our site and try to keep it updated)
  • Scripture(s)
  • Hebrew or Greek words that relate and their meanings or history
  • Definitions of word God wants to highlight
  • Vision or other prophetic download
  • Song lyrics or poem
  • Prophetic word or quote from another ministry that is connected to the silk (Links to some of the commonly quoted ministries can always be found to the right in Silk Word Ministry Links)
  • What Scent of Heaven anointing oil we anointed the silk with
  • Anything else the Lord nudges us to include

Since my period of Radio Silence, I’ve started posting more blogs – whatever comes forth during quiet times that I’ve felt led to share. But in recent weeks, what I’ve found is that Father has started birthing silk letters during my quiet time.

He’ll often use a worship song (as I’m enjoying some time flagging before Him) to prompt an idea for a silk and it goes from there. I’ll spend time seeking out the right scriptures or He’ll simply bring some to mind. He’ll give me search terms to find words that have come from others that He wants to include in the letter. He’ll give me downloads for what He wants to say. Sometimes the idea will originate with one of the daily prophetic words I receive (especially ones from Prophetic Light, which is the ministry God’s really been blessing me through recently).

Birthing these words becomes like a treasure hunt with Papa – Gelah Raz (the Revealer of Mysteries). He works with me, nudging me along as I put the pieces together to share with the recipient(s). And in the end, these words end up being like a pondering of a particular topic or scripture or theme, which hopefully will cause you to continue the treasure hunt so He can share more (as I talk about in Choosing to Hear God (Exodus 20:18-21) & How-to Receive D4Y Art/Silk).

Anyhow, today as He birthed another word I suddenly wondered if He wanted me to start sharing some of these on here. It’s not something I’ve done historically because the words are for the silk recipients, but when I shared one He birthed with me during a quiet time with my team a couple days ago no one had anything to add, but several mentioned that it was a right-on word for them.

So, with that in mind and because Papa says so, I’m going to start sharing some of the silk words He births during my quiet times here on my blog (these aren’t ones birthed with the team, just me and God) and I pray they’re a blessing to you (I’m actually going to post and back-date several previous ones He’s done like this too). I’ll include pictures/video when I can (which will be whenever I have it). Hope you enjoy them!

Please know, I am not posting them for the purpose of selling silk, but be aware if you want to order one in the style (that’s what the name refers to – the “style” of the silk is the name), you can check to see if one is available on Dyed4you Readymade (frequently I’ll make them after I birth the word, though sometimes I keep them – I am a silk addict after all!) or you can see what types of products I typically sell and request I make one for you (or you can go to Dyed4you and have Larisa make you one). 🙂

If you’ve never gotten a Dyed4you silk, just know the silk words I share on here are just a small fraction of how many have been birthed. We have over 500 words in our database at the time of this post and more from before I started the database to keep track. Ordering a blank silk and allowing Him to lead our team on what He wants to bless you with is a neat experience. Here’s one of my own “scarf stories” (that’s what we call our silk testimonies), this one is about a silk called Wait Upon the Lord.

Update 17 July 2017

Over the course of this year, I’ve begun actually being active on Dyed4youMinistries.com (especially since March when Papa started bringing forth the daily Prophetic Nuggets, which you’ll find often quoted in both silk and art words now), so I’m now sharing silk letters over there mostly since it seems appropriate. As well as having a post that shares more on how the silk and art letters are birthed.

60 Replies to “God Speaking Through Silk”

  1. Pingback: Silk: Called Forth – MeghanW

  2. Pingback: Silk: Believe with All My Heart – Dyed4you Ministries

  3. Pingback: Silk: Releaser of Hope – Dyed4you Ministries

  4. Pingback: Silk: Dark but Lovely – Dyed4you Ministries

  5. Pingback: Silk: Steadfast and True – Dyed4you Ministries

  6. Pingback: Dyed4you Art Flag: Nissi – Dyed4you Ministries

  7. Pingback: Healing Flow – Dyed4you Ministries

  8. Pingback: Dyed4you Art Flag: Rapha – Dyed4you Ministries

  9. Pingback: Silk: Catalyst to Intimacy – Dyed4you Ministries

  10. Pingback: Silk: Increase – Dyed4you Ministries

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