Silk: Exuberant Obedience

The name of your silk is Exuberant Obedience. The colors in it are:

  • Golden yellow representing joy
  • Turquoise representing river of God
  • Deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7)
  • Cayman island green representing praise
  • Cherry cordial representing depth of God’s love
  • Silver shimmer representing strengthened faith

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Psalm 5:11-12 (VOICE) But let those who run to You for safety be glad they did; let them break out in joyful song. May You keep them safe— their love for You resounding in their hearts. You, O Eternal, are the One who lays all good things in the laps of the right-hearted. Your blessings surround them like a shield.
  • Proverbs 20:5 (VOICE) The real motives come from deep within a person—as from deep waters— but a discerning person is able to draw them up and expose them.

Merriam-Webster defines “exuberant” as “very lively, happy, or energetic : filled with energy and enthusiasm, existing in large amounts : very plentiful, extreme or excessive in degree, size, or extent, joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic, unrestrained or elaborate especially in style, produced in extreme abundance : plentiful.”

The lyrics from Bethel Church’s “Deep Cries Out” are connected to this silk.

I’ve got a river of living water, ?A fountain that never will run dry
It’s open Heavens You’re releasing? And we will never be denied

Cause we’re stirring up deep deep wells, We’re stirring up deep deep waters
We’re going to dance in the river, dance in the river
Cause we’re stirring up deep deep wells
We’re stirring up deep deep waters, We’re going to jump in the river
Jump in the river and everybody singing now

Deep cries out to deep cries out to, Deep cries out to deep cries out to
So we cry out to, we cry out to, You Jesus

We’re falling into deeper waters, calling out to You
We’re walking into deeper waters, going after You

If He goes to the left then we’ll go to the left, And if He goes to the right then we’ll go to the right
We’re going to jump jump jump jump in the river, Jump jump jump jump, everybody
If He goes to the left then we’ll go to the left, And if He goes to the right then we’ll go to the right
We’re going to dance dance, dance dance in the river, Dance dance, dance dance, everybody
If He goes to the left then we’ll go to the left, And if He goes to the right then we’ll go to the right
We’re going to shout shout shout shout in the river, Shout shout shout shout in the river, everybody

{seeing} You dancing for joy in the river. Exuberant. Refreshing water splashes, and rain comes down from above. Liquid glory falling like rain. Swirling around you in this atmosphere of the supernatural. Your face tilts back, eyes closed and mouth open, simply receiving the refreshing. Arms outstretched, embracing all He has for you.

A word called “Raining Down My Spirit” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is also connected to this silk.

I Am raining down My Spirit of joy for you, says the LORD. I Am your unspeakable joy! Are you ready? Are you ready to forfeit the sorrow of your heart? Are you willing to relinquish the past disappointments and receive the NEW? Look! Let the blinders fall off your eyes so that you now have NEW peripheral vision. I Am taking you out of the hallway and opening wide My door. LOOK AT THE VASTNESS! SEE beyond your narrow vision that has blinded you and kept you from what I SEE FOR YOU, says the LORD. I Am about to expand your borders and lengthen the horizon so that you cannot see boundaries, borders and walls that are restrictive and limited. You will not be boxed in or hidden! COME OUT OF THE HALLWAY. THE DOOR IS OPEN! LOOK! SEE! Begin to move in an unrestricted way, says the LORD.

This is not the end, but a new beginning in ME. It is not over for you, but the past is finished. The pain is healed. I have healed your broken heart and fractured life. WALK OUT of the things that have defined you in the past. Take a step beyond in ME, says the LORD. IT IS NEW, for I have Made you NEW! You are not a do over or a make over, but a transformation in ME! Let your faith catapult you forward, for this is a time of acceleration and NEW VISION, for the purpose that I have for you in this NEW SEASON. GET READY, for it is not going to be a roller coaster ride with ups and downs, twists and turns that are a scary thrill for a moment, but a NEW LIFE of real vision. It is not a fantasy land, but a promised land of your possession as you step over onto New and solid ground with unimpeachable blessings and embrace the NEW that I have created for you, says the LORD.

You’re aligned with Him. Moving where He says when He says. Complete obedience, joyfully given with your whole heart. Don’t second guess His commands, trust His plans and instructions. He is increasing you. Surrender to His will knowing His plans for you are GOOD!

A word called “I Will Multiply You” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is also connected to this silk.

I will multiply you, and not divide you, says the LORD. For I Am the GOD of increase, not decrease. I will fill every place and every space in you and around you with My power and presence and give you blessings upon blessings upon blessings that you cannot contain. You will break out on the left and right. You will know expansion. You will have a greater depth. You will see as I take the scales off your eyes and you will know that there is no limitations in Me. I will give you a NEW VISION so that you can see the vastness that is before you. The small corner of your world is not the vision that I have for you. I Am not finished with you yet, and you will be built, says the LORD.

You will not be confined or obscured, says the LORD. Come out of the dark closet and shine forth in My kingdom! I have made you as a city that is set upon a hill that cannot be hid. Let the light of My countenance radiate upon your face and the brightness of MY glory be seen on you. GIVE ME THE GLORY, says the LORD. FOR I AM THE GOD OF GLORY and I will clothe you with MY GLORY and add to you My unspeakable gifts and bless you to be a blessing, multiply you and expand you to fulfill MY PURPOSE and expand My kingdom on earth through you, and there will be an increase of MY GOVERNMENT as you embrace My higher thoughts, see through My eyes and receive the increase that I have commanded for you, says the LORD.

There is an agitation happening inside of you, a stirring. Like the Pool of Bethesda, the movement bringing for the miraculous. Prepare for Him to move. You are bursting forth! Expanding exponentially. Surrendered to Him there is no limit to what He can do in and through you.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s River of Life oil, which speaks of healing and purification. It can bring life to the land, people, relationships, situations, places… anything. It contains salt for purging, hyssop for purification, pomegranate for health and to represent the Blood, cyprus to cleanse anger, and cedar to cleanse bitterness.

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 🙂

And since it matched nicely with the Dyed4you Art on my opposite wall… (bloopers and all)

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