Silk: Joyful Breakthrough

The name of your silk is Joyful Breakthrough. The colors in it are:

  • Deep dark blue representing presence of God (Psalm 18:11)
  • Dark teal representing increase
  • Coral representing deep abiding joy
  • Light blue representing overcomer

The scriptures that go with it are:

  • Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
  • Philippians 4:4-7 (TLB) Always be full of joy in the Lord; I say it again, rejoice! Let everyone see that you are unselfish and considerate in all you do. Remember that the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
  • Philippians 4:4-7 (VOICE) Most of all, friends, always rejoice in the Lord! I never tire of saying it: Rejoice! Keep your gentle nature so that all people will know what it looks like to walk in His footsteps. The Lord is ever present with us. Don’t be anxious about things; instead, pray. Pray about everything. He longs to hear your requests, so talk to God about your needs and be thankful for what has come. And know that the peace of God (a peace that is beyond any and all of our human understanding) will stand watch over your hearts and minds in Jesus, the Anointed One.

A word called “Unspeakably Joy” from June Reinke of Prophetic Light is connected to this silk.

I declare onto you, Though weeping may endure through the night, joy comes in the morning, says the Lord.   I will give you unspeakable joy for your sorrow.  The days of your mourning are coming to an end.  The darkness will dissipate and the dawning of a new day is coming.  You have wept. You have had sorrow of heart.  You have even said that hope deferred makes the heart sick, and have wondered if there would ever be the breakthrough that you have desired.  You have longed for the New thing that I have declared that I would do. You have pleaded for release from the pain and suffering that is wrongfully imposed upon you by the enemy.  You have NOT cried out to Me in vain, for I have heard the voice of your supplication and I have recorded every tear.  I have declared that I will turn your sorrow into joy, says the Lord.

Your pain will not define you. Your patience will.  For I will reward you for your patient faith and trust in ME, says the Lord. I will NOT pass you by.  You are Mine, and you are important to ME, says the Lord.  I will open up the prison doors that have kept you bound; I will release you from the chains of darkness. I will command My blessing upon you and give you the desire of your heart.  Your prayers of faith will be rewarded, and I will not only cause you to be an overcomer, but the tide will be turned against the enemy.  I will cause you to be empowered to defeat the foe, torment him and cause Him to run from you in terror.  You will not only be released from the choke hold that he seems to have you in, but you will pursue the enemy, conquer his territory, release the prisoners that are held illegitimately in captivity and claim new ground for My kingdom.  Your purpose is to not only overcome but to overwhelm the enemy and become HIS worst nightmare, as I equip you to be a mighty warrior that is undefeated.  Look up.  Look up. For even now the breakthrough that you are longing for, that you have prayed for is on the way, says the Lord.

The lyrics from Fred Hammond’s song “When The Spirit Of The Lord” are connected to this silk.

That’s right, that’s right.Put those hands together all over this place
We come to praise Him, we come to praise Him.And lift Him up because He’s worthy to be praised
Let’s celebrate, let’s celebrate, let’s celebrate
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart.I will dance like David danced
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart.I will dance like David danced
I will dance, I will dance, dance like David danced
I will dance, I will dance, I will dance like David danced
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart.I will pray like David prayed
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart. I will pray like David prayed
Pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed.I will pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed
I will pray, I will pray, I will pray like David prayed
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart.I will sing like David sang
When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart.I will sing like David sang
Sing, I will sing, sing like David like sang
I will sing, I will sing, sing like David like sang.Pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed
I will pray, I will pray, pray like David prayed.Dance, I will dance, dance like David danced
I will dance, I will dance, dance like David danced
I will dance, I will dance, I will dance like David danced
I will dance, I will dance, dance, dance

Rejoicing is a choice. Operating in joy is a choice. And in the hardest times it is far too easy to allow melancholy to descend and laughter be forgotten. BUT! Our God is an AWESOME God. He reigns in victory. So when we choose to rejoice when all seems dark, and choose to praise when all we want to do is hide in a corner, we position ourselves for breakthrough of a magnitude we can’t fully grasp in that moment. Joy becomes a weapon. It declares our faith in our God. I announces our victory in what seems like defeat. It stands fast giving strength as the enemy does his best to bring sorrow, guilt and defeat. BUT God.

It has been prayed over and anointed with the Scent of Heaven’s Perazim (Breakthrough). There’s a pattern in scripture where the Father bears with us long to move suddenly. Like Habakkuk 2:3 says, “…though it tarry… it will not tarry.” The LORD is the LORD of the breakthrough. He moves on our behalf in His perfect timing, we simply must stay in perfect step with Him and let Him bring the breakthrough. The scriptures that accompany this oil are:

  • “So [Israel] came up to Baal-Perazim, and David smote the [Philistines] there. Then David said, God has broken my enemies by my hand, like the bursting forth of waters; therefore they called the name of that place Baal-Perazim (Lord of breaking through).” 1 Chronicles 14:11
  • “…and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.” Isaiah 10:27

We pray it blesses you!

NOTE: If you’re wondering why I’ve shared this silk letter, check out my post God Speaking Through Silk where I explain why I began sharing these on my blog. 

3 Replies to “Silk: Joyful Breakthrough”

  1. I love those scriptures! They are ones I use repeatedly for my life. Thank you for sharing. It is a good reminder for me today. I love God’s leading. 🙂

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