Clinging to the Beloved {poem}

Beloved, He calls you in the desert – the trials of the flesh.
He pours His love upon you, your spirit He will refresh.
He whispers your name so sweetly, His hand upon your face.
His love is overwhelming, overflowing is His grace.
He will never leave you forsaken, though testing drags endlessly on.
His hand remains upon you, you know where you belong.
Yield your heart to the Beloved, He’ll hold it ever near.
Cling to Him as bedrock, nothing you’ll have to fear.
His heart is ever with you, the two having become one.
His heart is ever steadfast, there is no need to run.
Regardless of your shortfall, ever He is drawing near.
No mistake or default enough to cause Him to steer clear.
Cling to Him ever closer, for steadfast remains He.
True to His beloved – the one He’ll never leave.

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