God’s been speaking to me about identity. Sharing with me about embracing our inherent identity (the way God made us) rather than trying to mitigate who we are based on the input of others. I share the basics in the video and give some additional insights below as well. I pray it’s a blessing!
The quote that connected all this for me said, “Dear strong woman, you are not intimidating, they are intimidated. There is a difference.” This really gave me pause for thought because it speaks to how much we allow who we believe we are to be mandated by the reactions of others to us. But often that reflection isn’t an accurate one.
If we have fully surrendered our lives to Him, even the relationships in our lives are His to do with as He pleases. So an example of this for someone who He has created to be bold might look like Him using you to speak a word that someone may not like or receive at that time, but it’s something He needs said. Are you willing to lay down your desire to please and be liked to walk in obedience? Simply because the word isn’t received doesn’t mean it’s the wrong word and wrong thing to do, but if we determine our “truth” based on their response, we’re functioning from a wrong understanding. We need to stay rooted in God – what He says and what He thinks – and not be swayed by either the criticisms or praise of man.
Remember we are called to bear with one another in love. This means loving people where they are at. That doesn’t mean you can’t pray for them to come into the fullness of what God has created them to be, but be sure you are catching HIS vision rather than trying to impose your own upon them.
- Ephesians 4:2 (NIV) Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. [or the Voice translation says “Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love.”]
- Colossians 3:13 (NLT) Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Encourage others to be their true selves by refusing to reflect back to them that there’s a problem with that and by doing it yourself. Be the authentic you that God created.
We need to embrace being who we really are – who God made us to be. Allow HIM to reflect to us what that is and that it is good. It is not our fault nor our responsibility how others respond to us (please note, this is not license to be rude, just to be YOU). Understanding that God may use us to trigger someone or challenge them for a deeper purpose in their lives may help us not indulge in a fleshly reaction to having to do so (like apologizing for speaking truth or explaining our actions rather than simply being obedient to what He’s told us to do). Keep God and His plans at the forefront of your mind so you are able to constantly shift to that when you struggle with the desire to analyze in your flesh or based on the reactions of others.
I shared a Prophetic Nugget on my Dyed4you Ministries blog yesterday called Your Inherent Identity that touches on this exact topic (there’s actually some prayer and ministry time in a video as well, you can view it here.).
Jeremiah 1:5 (GW) “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart for my holy purpose…
Beloved, come alive. Step into the fullness of all you’ve been created to be. No longer allow the lies of the enemy and the hurtful words and accusations of those who thought to increase their own standing by diminishing yours to coat you like mud. Refuse to hide My creation or to allow it to be hidden.
Let My Spirit wash away the dirt and debris to reveal the priceless gem you truly are. Your value has never changed. Just as a newly minted dollar bill has the same value as one that is aged, crinkled, and dirty, nothing you have said or done, and nothing said or done to you, changes the essence of who you are, your worth, My love for you, or My call on your life. It is time to come forth, beloved and walk in the fullness of your inherent identity.
I pray we all walk in the fullness of who He has created us to be, and that we give grace to each other even when we “mess up” or step on each others’ toes – that we truly bear with one another in love even as we learn to shine brightly as the beautiful reflections of Him that He made each one of us to be.
I love your HEART Meghan !!
This is SOOO good ! I even see myself on the wrong side of this. Such a good word. I so see God revealing this in my own heart. He has been really teaching me to love. You are a blessing Meghan. And so blessed to know you ??
Ive definitely been on both sides too. That’s been part of the hard part of receiving this download. Trusting His grace to cover me! Love you so much. Thank you for your encouragement and support – you bless me!!!
you bless me too Meghan … duh … LOL !!! Like I didn’t already tell you that … hahahah !!!!
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