Burn Brightly

Historically, a candle in the window was used as a symbol that served as a beacon for loved ones to find their way back home. In the same way, we are called to be a “light on a hill” (Matthew Continue reading Burn Brightly
Historically, a candle in the window was used as a symbol that served as a beacon for loved ones to find their way back home. In the same way, we are called to be a “light on a hill” (Matthew Continue reading Burn Brightly
Psalm 84:1 (VOICE) [emphasis mine] How lovely is Your temple, Your dwelling place on earth, O Eternal One, Commander of heaven’s armies. While working on a Prophetic Nugget collection based on Psalm 84 which I titled “YHVH Tsaba – Lord Continue reading Seeing the Lord of Hosts for Who He Is (Psalm 84)
Beloved, He calls you in the desert – the trials of the flesh. He pours His love upon you, your spirit He will refresh. He whispers your name so sweetly, His hand upon your face. His love is overwhelming, overflowing Continue reading Clinging to the Beloved {poem}
My birthday present from God! A love letter – He’s so good to me. This started when He highlighted the Chaim Bentorah article on Lovingkindness and I knew He was kicking off a new silk. The pieces came together from there Continue reading Silk: Ardent Love
In addition to being an awesome silk with a beautiful word, the video of this flag has a fun story with it featuring Max (my dog) in my post In Your Presence 🙂 The name of your silk is Formed in Love. The Continue reading Silk: Formed in Love
Since I had my revelatory paradigm shift about Leah (see my post Tender Eyes (Genesis 29:17)), I’ve spent much time pondering her and this new perspective and I feel like there’s a blessing of encouragement embedded in her story for Continue reading Hope for the Unloved Wife
The name of your silk is Good Father. The colors in it are: Pale pink representing tender loving care Baby blue representing seated with the Lord in heavenly places Dark red representing sacrificial love Deep dark blue representing the Father Dark Continue reading Silk: Good Father
The name of your silk is Eyes of Fire. The colors in it are: Fuchsia representing passion Yellow representing glory and joy China red representing consuming fire Orange representing fire Pearl shimmer representing holiness
The name of your silk is Mine. The colors in it are: Ruby representing passion Maroon representing love song Cream representing childlike faith and milk and honey Turquoise representing willingness to fight for you and Jealous God White representing innocence
In February, I shared about the rocky season I’ve been in. I likened myself to a plant and said “I can see little sprouts of green coming in around the edges and so I’m standing on His promises and am waiting Continue reading Being Well (Psalm 16:2)