Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call

Intercessors tend to be sensitive people. We tend to be very empathetic (thus the term Christian Empath) – constantly feeling things for others – and God wired us that way so we’re able to pick up on the things He Continue reading Prayer Burdens and Burden Bearing, an Intercessor’s Call

Silk: Relentless Faith

The name of your silk is Relentless Faith. The colors in it are: Dark red representing power in the Blood Dark teal representing increase Sky representing spiritual realm Chartreuse representing flourishing Turquoise representing warfare Lavender representing intercession Midnight sea representing washed in His promises Gray representing humility Silver shimmer Continue reading Silk: Relentless Faith

All About Relationship (Favor, Attributes, and hearing God)

Too often we take note of outward appearance, circumstances, and giftings to judge God’s blessing or favor (or the lack thereof). But in reality, this system is a flawed form of judgement. And further, the focus is off because really Continue reading All About Relationship (Favor, Attributes, and hearing God)

Silk: When You Walk In

The name of your silk is When You Walk In. The colors in it are: Cream representing sweet incense Light blue representing heaven and Spirit blowing Camel representing steadfastness Ruby representing Christ and His deep love for us Gold shimmer representing Continue reading Silk: When You Walk In

Choosing to Hear God (Exodus 20:18-21) & How-to Receive D4Y Art/Silk

We like to say that the words you receive from Dyed4you and Dyed4you Art are a portion of a conversation, not a conversation in its entirety. We love to hear that we’re confirming something He’s already shared. Ideally, each of Continue reading Choosing to Hear God (Exodus 20:18-21) & How-to Receive D4Y Art/Silk